To determine the level of language skills held by the personnel employed in a post or aspiring to a post that requires linguistic skills and who has not a linguistic certificate according to STANAG 6001, in order to make the right personnel allocation for further participation at the continuous training programs.
Evaluation tools
Initial evaluation represents a multi-level test, consisting of four sections, designed to evaluate the four skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing.
Period of evaluation
Initial evaluation takes place once a year, in March-May, at the units that organize the Initial Evaluation (UOEI), located in the residence garrisons of personnel proposed to participate in evaluation or near them.
Progress evaluation
It is made after the completion of each Learning Unit in order to determine the level of specific skills and knowledge acquired up to that time, using tests developed by teachers.
Final evaluation
- On completion of courses: it is performed to determine the established objectives accomplishment level for each type of course by administering standardized tests according Human Resource Management Directorate specifications.
- On graduation of the program: is performed to determine the established objectives accomplishment level for each type of program by administering tests according to STANAG 6001.

Language proficiency evaluation means to determine the language skills level that a person possesses at a given time.
Linguistic competence is being evaluated at four skills: "Listening", "Speaking", "Reading", "Writing".
SEvaluation session takes place, as follows:
-The placement test (ALCPT) administration;
- The evaluation of skills "Listening", "Speaking", "Reading", "Writing".
The responsible structure to conduct the language proficiency evaluation in the Ministry of National Defense is the National Military Centre for testing foreign language.
The main foreign language learning center - Brasov participates at the evaluation sessions with a team of evaluators for "Speaking" language proficiency evaluation.

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