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List of Suggested Bibliography

Suggested Bibliography

[1]  Albert David S. (1996), Defensive Information Warfare, National Defense University Press Book, Aug 1996
[2]  Cheng Dean (2017), Cyber Dragon : Inside China’s Information Warfare and Cyber Operations, Praeger Security International
[3]  Darczewska Jolanta (2014), The Anatomy of Russian Information Warfare: The Crimean Operation, a Case Study, OSW Center for Eastern Studies
[4]  Jones Andrew and Kovacith Gerald L. (2016), Global Information Warfare: The New Digital Battlefield, CRC Press, 2nd Edition
[5]  Libicki Martin C. (1995), What is Information Warfare, Strategic Forum Number 28, May 1995
[6]  Ventre Daniel (2011), Cyberwar and Information Warfare, ISTE Ltd
[7]  Ventre Daniel (2016), Information Warfare, ISTE Ltd, 2nd Edition
[8]  Waltz Edward (1998), Information Warfare Principles and Operations, Artech House Inc
[9]  Whyte Christopher, Thrall Trevor A. and Mazanec Brian M. (2021), Information Warfare in the Age of Cyber Conflict, Routledge Taylor & Francis Group