"Henri Coanda" Air Force Academy in Brasov has the privilege of inviting you to the 6th edition of Students` International Week of "Henri Coanda" Air Force Academy, Brasov, which will be held between 24 th - 28 th March, 2025. The invitation is for 2 cadets and one escort officer.

The purpose of International Week is to enhance and intensify the international collaboration with our partner institutions, as well as to exchange ideas and good practices. The aim of this event is thus to increase student mobility and the recognition of our partner institutions among our students and staff, by promoting international studies and international mentality to students.
The participants to International Week are cadets from our partner institutions, but it is also open to the military staff, that escort cadets. Both the host institution and the attendees are required to give a short presentation of their institutions and will have the opportunity to share interesting information about their university. The activities carried out during the International Week are conducted in English language.