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Doctrinal consideration

Land Operations – ISR Missions – Reconnaissance

ISR synchronizes and integrates the planning and operation of sensors, assets, and processing, exploitation, dissemination systems in direct support of current and future operations. UAS ISR missions are broadly considered tactical air reconnaissance or surveillance.

Route Reconnaissance – Is the directed effort to obtain detailed information of a specified route and all terrain from which the enemy could influence movement along that route. UAS, with multi-sensor capabilities, are well suited to reconnoiter the front, flanks,  and rear providing early warning, ambush detection, and over watch. Additional UAS support roles are ground element over watch, traffic ability assessment, and landing site and hazard location, threat, and suspicious item identification. The best results occur when synchronized and commanded by ground elements.

Zone Reconnaissance – Is the directed effort to obtain information concerning all routes, obstacles, terrain, enemy forces within a zone defined by boundaries. Used when existing knowledge of terrain is limited, combat operations have altered the terrain, boundaries are restricted or when the enemy situation is vague. Often time consuming, and covering extensive distances ahead of ground forces in well-coordinated zones which dictates special considerations for air assets. Planning considerations are similar to route reconnaissance though multiple teams (manned and unmanned) operate abreast.

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Area Reconnaissance – Primary difference between zone and area reconnaissance is the nature (restrictive versus permissive) of the boundaries. Flanks of the overall objective area are secured, then recon can be directed inward. Picture depicts a typical area reconnaissance where the UAS has conducted an initial recon over the general area of operation (AO Leavenworth) followed by a route recon of the movement corridors, finishing with recon outside the AO after friendly forces advance.

Aerial Surveillance – Is the systematic observation of aerospace, surface or subsurface areas, places, persons or things, by visual, aural, electronic, photographic or other means to collect information. UAS are ideal platforms as these missions are more passive, long duration, and persistent watch often requiring a low signature asset to avoid enemy detection.

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Long Endurance Surveillance – enables continuous surveillance of avenues of approach, Named Areas of Interest, Target Areas of Interest, decision point and other mission critical areas

Land Operations – Tactical Support

Land Operations – Tactical Support - Strike

Strike – A mission to attack or damage or destroy an objective or a capability. Strike missions include CAS. UAS integration into a CAS is done by a FAC. UAS video provides FAC situational awareness required to deploy weapons on target possibly using UAS weapons.

Land Operations – Tactical Support - SCAR

Strike Coordination and Reconnaissance – A SCAR mission is flown for the purposes of detecting targets and coordinating or performing attack or reconnaissance on those targets. UAS can provide SCAR tasks such as locating, cross cueing, identify moving targets, passing target updates, sequencing other aircraft, buddy laze for other aircraft, kinetically engage targets with its own weapons, and conduct BDA.

Air Operations