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Transmission of azimuthal information

Transmission of azimuthal information

Fast and accurate transmission of antenna azimuth (position) to processing and indication systems for target azimuth calculation can be accomplished by the following two methods:

-synchronous tracking systems and

-azimuth pulse counting (ACP) generated by azimuth encoders.


Tracking systems (servo) are used by older generation radars and missile launch systems; they usually use devices called selsine (transmitters and receivers). In the case of modern radars, azimuth encoders are used, which generate a certain number of ACP (Azimuth Change Pulses) pulses each time the antenna rotates. The number of pulses is directly proportional to the azimuth of the antenna, so determining the position of the antenna is reduced to counting these pulses in the processor or indicator.

Newer radar systems cover the observation space without mechanical movement of the antenna or with minimal mechanical movement. These radars use the electronic movement of the beam in azimuth and / or in elevation (phased array networks).