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L.2.1 Nature and classification of military conflicts.


Military conflict is one of the negative phenomena in world history. The preparation for it requires the involvement of all kinds of forces and means on the part of the state. Effective defense during war can be achieved only on the basis of built-in necessary defense capabilities and high readiness to face the conflict.

Knowledge of the nature and preconditions for the development of armed conflict is an important condition for the effective conduct of economic preparation for it. Unfortunately, the relatively small number of studies on military conflicts has had a negative impact on knowledge of the issue. There are two theses for defining the terms "war" and "military conflict".

According to the first thesis, the definition is valid that war is a complex social phenomenon that can best be characterized by the intensity of hostilities and operations, and depending on the latter in the real world there are three types of military conflicts: military conflicts with low intensity, medium intensity military conflicts and high intensity military conflicts. Also, according to this thesis, the leading concept in the relation "war - military conflict" is the military conflict.

The second thesis gives preference to the concept of "war", taking into account that military conflict can be considered as synonymous with local war.

Most researchers prefer the second thesis, given the view that "war is a complex deterministic socio-political phenomenon - an expression of the maximum intensified confrontation between states, nations and peoples, various social, ethnic and religious groups, the main content of which is the volume of the comprehensive use of military force in the first place. "

Despite the arguments of the two opposing ones, the position of the second thesis, which characterizes the military conflict as part of the war, can be accepted. At the heart of the war are significant economic, political and social contradictions that are subjective and objective. In the midst of hostilities, in addition to military force, includes a wide arsenal of economic, diplomatic, informational, psychological and other forms of confrontation.

The main means of waging war are the armed forces, which are trained and adapted to wage armed struggle and military action. The main condition for adequate counteraction of the enemy and effective defense is the economic preparation before the war and the successful conduct of the mobilization.

Wars are divided into three types depending on their scale and the countries involved: local wars, regional wars and world wars.

Military conflicts are defined as two main types: military conflicts of an international nature and military conflicts of a non-international nature.

The first type of military conflict is that of an international nature, which is an armed conflict between two countries. Characteristic of it is that it usually manifests itself with a limited theater of hostilities and the presence of various military incidents. If this type of military conflict is not limited or stopped in time, the likelihood of escalating into a war increases significantly.

The second type of military conflict is of a non-international nature, or civil war in short.


2. Classification of military conflicts.

One or another military-political crisis can be overcome in different ways. If this is not given to us, it escalates into a military conflict. This requires us to consider the classification of possible military conflicts in Europe.

The classification must answer such questions as how, against whom, for what reason and for what purpose a military conflict has arisen and is being waged.

Other aspects of the assessment of military conflicts are their scale, intensity, compliance with national interests, means used, etc. It is essential in the new conditions to take into account the legal side of the military conflict, which makes it possible to determine the aggressor and the injured party. This predetermines the assumption of responsibility to the international community. In addition, factors such as determination should be taken into account in the evaluation; set aside forces, means and resources for conducting military operations, the amount of losses, environmental and other consequences.

Among the main criteria for determining the type of conflict are: the system of international relations, alliances and obligations assumed by the participating countries; conflicts between them and third parties; the degree of influence in international relations and organizations; the possibility of receiving assistance from other countries; the economic and military potential of the participating countries; resources, finances, transport, communications and moral and psychological condition of the population; mobilization opportunities; direct impact of the military conflict on the economy and politics; the need to set aside forces and resources for other conflicts.

Based on these criteria, we can make the following classification of military conflicts in Europe:

  (a) according to the nature of the contradictions;

1. Political conflicts:

- struggle for power between separate groups in a country with the imposition of one or another model of government;

- attempt to impose a certain political regime in another country or group of countries, etc.

2. Economic conflicts:

- redistribution of markets;

- redistribution of economically important areas;

- distribution of areas rich in raw materials.

3. Territorial conflicts:

- to adjust existing borders;

- for the accession of certain countries, territories, etc.

4. Ethnic, religious or mixed conflicts:

- striving for self-determination;

- the creation of a new state from communities inhabiting one or more states.

These conflicts are most often related to territorial location. Ethnic military conflicts are particularly bloody, as each warring party sees the other as a threat to its own existence and believes that this threat must be eliminated, including through so-called "ethnic cleansing" and other forms of violence. relative to the civilian population.

  (b) according to the composition of the participating countries:

1. Interstate conflicts:

- between two countries;

- between a state and a coalition - for example, the Gulf War;

- between coalitions.

2. Internal conflicts:

- power struggle between different groups in a country;

- struggle for autonomy (within one country), etc.

c) According to the goals. - According to this criterion, the conflicts are very diverse and their classification is conditional;

- for the conquest or preservation of territories:

- for self-determination and creation of a new state (the republics in the former SFNO and the USSR), etc .;

- for the protection of vital national interests, the extraction of benefits, etc.,

(d) According to national interests:

- corresponds to the national interests;

- does not correspond to these interests;

- conceals a slaughter for national interests (direct or indirect),

(e) According to the means used:

- nuclear conflict (universal or the theater of war);

- conventional conflict;

- the combined use of conventional weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

(f) By scale:

- global;

- regional conflict.

g) According to the intensity of the conflict:

- with high intensity (using all forces and means, including weapons of mass destruction);

- with medium intensity - (without WMD);

- low intensity (political, military and other actions with limited objectives),

For the Balkans and in particular for the Republic of Bulgaria the most typical will be the military conflicts according to the intensity, which may have the following classification:

- with high intensity;

- of medium intensity;

- low intensity.

High-intensity conflicts are the sharpest form of conflict resolution. The war belongs to them. It is a particularly high-quality state of society and requires bringing the country from a peaceful to a martial law, mobilizing economic resources, moral and spiritual values.

In its essence, war is a set of strategic actions carried out according to a common plan and under a unified leadership,

At the present stage, the war will have the following characteristics: determination of goals; will be conducted by conventional means; the fighting will cover the whole country; will be conducted with all forces and means, forms and methods of armed struggle, with the priority use of the land forces and the Air Force; consistent solution of strategic tasks; high activity, maneuverability and intensity of combat operations; relatively short threatening period; great destructive character and great human losses; total impact on management; risk of contamination of zones and areas.

The war will have an initial, next and ending period.

Conflicts of medium intensity are an acute form of resolving interstate disputes. These include limited warfare. It is an armed conflict with the bilateral use of a limited contingent of the armed forces to achieve limited political goals, which may be of the following nature: local inspection of the country's forces; checking the rigidity of the implemented policy; checking the resilience of defense near the state border; annexation of part of the territory; clarifying the reaction of the world public estate; violating the unity of the nation.

Limited warfare will be characterized by the following inherent features: limited political goals; short threatening period or lack thereof. Probability of hostilities starting with incomplete deployment of the armed forces with available peacefully temporary groups; use of limited contingents; short-term, etc.

Limited warfare can escalate into war. Low-intensity conflicts are below the level of medium intensity and higher than normal peacetime activities of the armed forces.

Due to their great variety, low-intensity conflicts can have the following classification:

- high level;

- average;

- low level.

Low - level, high - level conflicts include armed provocation, internal political conflicts involving elements of armed struggle and armed incident.

Armed provocation is a pre-organized and planned action of limited forces and means in order to aggravate their situation, incite a limited war or justify interference in internal affairs,

Armed provocation is usually meticulously prepared, both militarily and diplomatically. Particular attention is paid to the moment and place of action, as well as to the methods of its diplomatic cover-up.

The armed provocation may have the character of: an armed attack on border units; violation of the state border in order to control important sites, settlements and sections of the territory; invasion of territorial waters; shelling of airplanes and helicopters, commercial and industrial sites, vessels and attempts to control them or the threat of sinking; machine gun or artillery shelling of objects on our territory; armed attack and penetration into the territory of sabotage and reconnaissance formations; intentional disturbance of airspace.

Domestic conflicts involving elements of armed struggle may be ethnic, religious or purely political.

In particularly drastic cases, they can take the form of organized guerrilla action.

The armed incident took the form of short-term armed action. It can be random or organized on purpose to aggravate the situation. The rapid reaction forces and the combat-ready formations of the aircraft types take part in it.

Conflicts with low intensity of medium level include international terrorist actions, domestic political conflicts with elements of armed counteraction. They are liquidated by the forces of special purpose units of the structures of the Ministry of Interior and the respective armed forces, depending on the nature of the conflict.

Low-intensity conflicts include the involvement of peacekeeping units, sabotage of all kinds and peacekeeping operations.

Characteristic of medium and low levels of low-intensity conflicts are that they require preparation of public opinion, concealment of their interventionist nature, limited use of weapons, limited scope, minimal military losses and the least political risk.


3. Reasons for the emergence of military conflicts and stages in their development.

Conflict is the absence of agreement between two or more parties. In it, the parties have different or opposite opinions on a problem, issue, solution, etc. There are different views on the place and role of conflict in the organization. They are divided into two groups:

Dysfunctional negative attitude to conflicts. It is based on the assumption that conflicts are always associated with aggression and threat, time is wasted to resolve them, are a sign of poor governance, reduce the effectiveness of the organization.

Functional positive attitude to conflicts. It assumes that conflicts are not always negative, only large and destructive conflicts are harmful, they should be desirable because different points of view are obtained, they do not decrease, but on the contrary create an opportunity to increase the efficiency of the organization.

The sources and causes of conflicts can be many and varied. The most common are: uncertainty; scarcity and way of allocating resources; interconnection and interdependence; differentiation and differences; remuneration systems; bad communications.

But the main reasons for the emergence and development of military conflicts are several:

 Striving of individual states to establish dictatorship in the region and to resolve conflict situations by military means due to unwillingness or inability of political leaders to resolve economic, social and other contradictions peacefully.

 Provoking radical political leaders, parties and movements of national-ethnic, religious and other characteristics.

 Existence in the society of deep contradictions, conditioned by its stratification by socio-economic, national-ethnic, religious and other features.

 Violation of universally accepted and recognized human rights.

 Expanding the threat of international terrorism, proliferation of weapons of mass destruction and means of delivery.

At the root of every military conflict are two types of causes - long-term and situational.

The long-term reasons are: political, economic, social, historical, ethnocultural and demographic. Usually, military conflict is determined by several reasons, one of which is leading.

The main situational reasons are defined as: political acts in the interstate relations, specific political actions, including subversive activity of one state to another, indirect violent actions, violent military actions, external situational dimensions.

The development of regional insecurity over the last decade has increasingly imposed the thesis of crisis management as a means of overcoming military conflicts. There is a growing need to focus on preventing a crisis before it escalates into a military conflict, rather than on an already existing one.

Crisis management includes the pre-war period, which we have found to contain stages of escalation, reversal and descaling. The focus is on preventing, not resolving, the crisis. The governance process comprises three stages - conflict prevention, pacification and peacekeeping.

The conflict prevention process involves the use of a variety of political, economic and diplomatic measures aimed at reaching consensus on the issue. This includes peacekeeping operations, which include the sending of observers, customs officers, and military forces in agreement with the parties to the conflict. The aim is to reduce the crisis by carrying out the necessary operations.

Reconciliation or the so-called peace enforcement is carried out without the consent and support of the parties to the conflict. These include operations for presence, embargo, blockade, control of the conflict without military force, temporary application of deterrent measures, intervention on the territory of the country.

The analysis of the risks and threats from the development of military crises and conflicts is the basis of the planning of the economic preparation for defense. Problems with analysis arise from the fact that crises sometimes arise very quickly, without warning and anticipatory symptoms. In a short time, they escalated into difficult-to-control military conflicts. Inherent in the crisis are growing uncertainty and risk. In many cases, there are four phases of crisis development: crisis warning, acute crisis, chronic crisis and crisis resolution.

Warning of a crisis is a good time to successfully prevent its development. In this phase, the importance of risk and threat analysis is particularly great. It should focus on all possible scenarios, focusing on the most unfavorable, in order to prevent it. In developing the military conflict scenario, researchers have identified two types of threats: direct military threats to the country and indirect military threats affecting Allied interests.

In the analysis of risks and threats, the main point is the study of the environment and the hierarchy of the security system to which they refer. The state and problems of global and regional security often differ significantly. Global threats and risks are greatly influenced by the activities of international organizations and treaties. From a regional point of view, integration into political, social and economic life is important.

In Bulgarian practice, a general idea of ​​threats and risks is given by the concept of national security, and military doctrine defines and concretizes military risk, suggesting the worst possible scenario - unilateral military aggression.

The changes in the military-political situation show an increase in the number of regional military conflicts and a significant reduction in the possibility of large-scale military conflicts.

Partnership and the building of new collective approaches to ensuring security are becoming more and more definite and lasting as a guiding principle in building international relations. At the same time, the emphasis is increasingly placed on the preservation of universal values ​​while taking into account the national interests of individual countries.

At the same time, there is a growing trend of security threats and risks at national and regional level, which are difficult to detect and assess and lead to limited conflicts that can quickly escalate and become larger and larger. dangerous conflict.

Regional military conflicts are characterized by opposition to the interests of a relatively limited number of countries (groups, communities) and do not go beyond the geographical boundaries of a region in all the conventionality of this concept.

The analysis of modern regional military conflicts shows that the main reasons for their emergence are the desire to achieve national independence or to resolve pressing ethnic and religious problems, territorial disputes and economic inequality.

The proposed classification by the nature of the contradictions reflects the main group of causes underlying mostly regional conflicts. In addition, there are additional factors such as:

-political instability;

-acceptance of new weapons;

- violation of the free schedule of raw materials;

-spiritual ~ religious factors (religious extremism) and socio-psychological problems, incl. and personal ambitions.

4 Stages are conditionally defined boundaries in the time in which a given military conflict develops. They depend on specific indicators and characterize the goals and means used by participants in the conflict, their scale and intensity, the involvement of new participants; the occurred changes in the international situation and others, which in a given period of time remain in relatively constant parameters. The conflict can also go through unforeseen stages.

The development of a military conflict can become conditional in the following stages:

first stage - emergence - formation of contradictions between individual countries (groups) on the basis of certain political and economic interests, expressed in one or another form of conflict;

second stage - planning - determining the goals, strategy and tactical means of the parties to resolve disputes, as well as conducting some initial practical activities in the interest of the goals. This does not exclude the search for ways to reach a compromise solution to the contradictions;

third stage - enlargement - involvement, in one form or another in the conflict situation of other countries on a union, treaty basis or through the UN, is difficult to differentiate in time and often continues in parallel with other stages, which gives reason to conclude that this is an overall foreign policy aspect of the development of the conflict;

fourth stage ~ confrontation - (escalation of tension) - the parties are preparing to resolve the conflicts with the use of all means;

Fifth stage - military conflict (war) - deliberately resulting from the goals and strategy of one party to use military force (demonstratively or on a limited scale) in order to force the other party to comply with its demands. During this stage, the conflict reaches its culmination;

sixth stage - conflict resolution.

Proper and timely identification of possible stages of development of a conflict is essential for its prevention, mitigation and resolution.

Regional military conflicts and the options for the use of national armed forces in them occupy an important place in the new military doctrines of many borders. In connection with the important and significant changes in the military-political situation in the world and especially in Europe in recent years, the national strategies of the United States, Russia and NATO have changed their focus from global threats and strong opposing alliances in the past. regions.

5. Roads and means for resolving military conflicts.

The ways and means of resolving military conflicts are determined by the principles of international law for the peaceful settlement of disputes between states, by universally recognized instruments and mechanisms for action in the event of threat to peace and military conflict, supplemented by the established legal framework (bilateral and multilateral) in different parts of the world. By their nature they are: non-military (peaceful) means; use of military force or a combination of them depending on the specific parameters of the conflict, the behavior of the warring parties, the involvement of the international factor and others.

Modern international law focuses on resolving disputes and conflicts mainly through political (non-military) means through negotiations and through the mediation of the UN and other international organizations and alliances. As stated in Art. 33 of the UN Charter "the parties to any dispute, the continuation of which could jeopardize the maintenance of international security, must first seek its resolution through talks, polls, mediation, conciliation, arbitration, court settlement, recourse to regional authorities or agreement or by other peaceful means ".

- Negotiations occupy a special place among these means and are most often the main means of resolving disputes and conflicts. International law does not strictly regulate the manner of conducting negotiations, which is the right of the interested parties themselves. They can be held not only in meetings, but also in writing (by exchanging notes, statements, etc.). As practice shows, international conferences are often convened to resolve regional conflicts with the participation of the parties involved in the conflict, representatives of various international organizations, individual groups (as they do not represent governments), etc. Examples in recent years include the Conference on Peace in the Middle East (1991, Madrid), the International Conference on the Former Yugoslavia, the Conference on Nagorno-Karabakh, and others.

"Consultations - are essentially negotiations and can be conducted at different stages of the negotiation process in both formal and informal (non-formal) forms.

The survey aims to clarify certain issues at different stages of the conflict. It can be done by committees of inquiry, special rapporteurs, etc. A more broad concept is the conciliation procedure. In addition to the survey, it includes "good services", mediation, missions, special rapporteurs, etc. This procedure is characterized by the involvement of a third party, which helps those involved in the conflict to reach mutually acceptable solutions.

"Good services" - are performed by a third party not involved in the conflict, which at the request of one of the belligerents or on its own initiative, takes action and becomes a link between the belligerent (disputing) parties in order to facilitate negotiations between them. The distinction between "Good Services" and t® mediation is primarily theoretical and relates mainly to the degree of participation in the negotiations themselves. Most often it is mediated by representatives of the UN and other international organizations and as a practice in international relations is increasingly used.

Increasingly, various missions are finding their way into international practice; whose nature depends mainly on their mandate. Some of them are in charge of clarifying the facts in connection with a dispute or conflict situation * where the mission acts with the consent of the stakeholders and is usually sent to crisis areas. Sometimes they also play a mediating role. Missions can be temporary or permanent (long term).

To clarify the facts of tensions in a region or country * the practice of special rapporteurs * sent by an international organization * has recently been widely used * to work closely with stakeholders * and then prepare a report * which is usually available to the international community, unless the parties to the dispute (conflict) have explicitly imposed any restrictive conditions.

International arbitration is a well-coordinated transfer between the disputing parties of the subject matter of their dispute to an arbitrator or group of arbitrators * where their decision is binding on the disputing parties. Arbitration may be carried out on the basis of a special agreement between two or more parties * by which they are obliged in advance to adopt its decision. It can be "Ad Hoc" - created specifically for a specific case or of an institutional nature (included in bilateral or multilateral agreements and related to their implementation).

Disputes that arise between states can be submitted, by mutual agreement, for resolution by an international judicial body (most often within an international organization). For example, in the UN system it is the International Court of Justice, in the EU - the European Court, in the OSCE - the Arbitration Court.

Coercive measures * taken under the auspices of the United Nations are subdivided into measures without the use of armed force and with the use of armed forces with or.

Among the measures not related to the use of armed forces in case of violation of peace and acts of aggression as * they are defined by Art. 41 of the UN Charter are: - partial or complete severance of economic relations * of rail, sea, air, postal, telegraphic and other means of communication, as well as the severance of diplomatic relations.

The use of the armed forces as a means of influencing the end of the conflict and the restoration of international security is legally justified in the UN Charter and in the founding treaties of the various military-political alliances.

Problems of peacekeeping in a broad sense, incl. in the use of armed forces to ensure international security or for reconstruction Even after a military conflict, they are especially relevant today, when changes in the political and state structure in many parts of the world are accompanied by crises and conflicts.

The elimination of the bloc's opposition also led to significant changes in the overall process of pacification, crisis management and conflict resolution, incl. and the regional ones, which characterize the current stage in the development of the military-political situation in a number of regions of the world. The following definitions were agreed in advance within the SAS, taking into account the Pact and the UN.

Conflict prevention includes various actions carried out in accordance with Ch. VI of the UN Charter (from diplomatic initiatives to preventive deployment of troops) in order to prevent disputes from escalating into military conflict. This activity, which could be described as preventive diplomacy, includes fact-finding missions, consultations, warnings and surveillance missions. Preventive deployment of troops normally means sending civilians and / or military representatives (contingents) to separate the enemy and to prevent conflict.

Peacekeeping in the narrow sense of the word means mediation to reduce and / or end hostilities between states or on the territory of a state through the intervention of a third, impartial country * whose action is organized and managed within a certain international framework * including through the use of armed forces and civilian contingents as complementary political efforts to restore peacekeeping. Peacekeeping operations conducted in accordance with the UN Charter include, in their traditional form, the deployment of an armed contingent as required by the Parties, which may carry out the following tasks: monitor compliance with the ceasefire ceasefire, disarm and demobilize the warring parties (groups), control demarcation lines or borders, etc. In recent years, the UN has significantly expanded the scope of these operations in connection with a number of regional conflicts, including the tasks of providing, protecting the roads for humanitarian aid, refugee evacuation and others. From 1988 to 1994, the United Nations participated in 14 peacekeeping operations, and by the end of 1993, the number of troops used (military and police) was more than 50,000.

The imposition of peace is defined as an action, in accordance with Chapter VII of the UN Charter, carried out by military means to restore peace (in the event of conflict between states or internal conflict) related to the need for humanitarian aid or in the presence of almost complete disintegration of state structures and institutions.

- The restoration of peace is understood primarily as a diplomatic activity conducted after the beginning of a conflict to achieve its peaceful resolution. These activities may include Good Service missions, mediation, reconciliation, as well as sanctions and diplomatic isolation.

- Strengthening peace is seen as a set of measures and actions after the end of the conflict in order to support the creation of their own structures, including and economic consolidation, confidence-building and other activities aimed at lasting political stabilization of the situation and avoiding a resumption of conflict * Both civilian and military personnel may be involved in this process.

On the basis of the harmonization of common conceptual views within the framework of the EAPC, the establishment of the technical basis of cooperation, as well as the planning, preparation and other aspects of peacekeeping operations *, which are one of the areas of joint activity, is gradually proceeding. of the Partnership for Peace partners.

It is important to note that in various international organizations and unions, including NATO, WEU, ЈC, OSCE, etc. there is consensus on any fundamental requirements, namely:

The development of crises and military conflicts in various regions in recent years has highlighted the growing role of the international factor in resolving them. At the same time, the leading principle is the effort to provide early warning of crises *, their management, active preventive diplomatic activity, coordination of efforts in the international plan to prevent conflicts, if this is done as soon as possible to localize it and resolution.

The Alliance's new strategic concept has clearly identified crisis management and conflict prevention among the Alliance's priorities as a prerequisite for the success of its overall peacekeeping and conflict prevention policy. This also reflects on NATO's new concept for construction and armed forces, as well as on moving, where possible, from a front-line defense concept to a reduced front-line presence and to improving the principles of the coalition's flexibility strategy. in the new conditions.

Another Union, the Western European Union, has also stepped up its involvement in UN Security Council resolutions and acknowledged its mandate and the stage of its own multinational armed forces in the interests of European defense and as part of the Common Euro-Atlantic Alliance. NATO and WEU agree on the gradual formation of multinational joint formations for joint tasks, one of the goals of which will be to unite efforts to participate in resolving crises and conflicts outside NATO's area of ​​responsibility with the more active participation of European allies of the United States and in cooperation with the UN and the OSCE.

The idea is that these multinational forces can be used by both unions as needed.

Taking into account the increase in local conflicts in the OSCE area, the participating countries have identified a number of measures in recent years to clarify its role in conflict prevention and dispute resolution. They were mainly based on the decisions of the Helsinki Summit in 1992. An important step in seeking a more active role for the meeting was the Convention on Conciliation and Arbitration adopted (Stockholm 1993). As of November 1, 1994, the OSCE adopted measures to stabilize the situation in regional crises, which include: measures for transparency (exchange of information and / or notification; emergency exchange of information related to a specific crisis situation; notification of certain types of military activity in crisis areas, restrictive measures, implementation and maintenance of ceasefire agreements, establishment of demilitarized zones, withdrawal of weapons and military equipment from certain areas, confidence-building measures control, etc.).

The participation of various international organizations in crisis management and conflict resolution in the last few years has shown the existence of a number of problems. In addition to the need for further conceptual coordination of common and recognized by the international community, important issues remain to be addressed, such as the command system and the ratio of the national and international element, the mandate of the peacekeepers contingents , financial and technical provision and a number of others, on which the efficiency in the use of international forces, as well as the control over it, directly depends. In doing so, account should be taken of the specification of contemporary internal and regional conflicts, where governments are often unable to fully exercise their powers over territories nominally under their control, where not all border warriors are governmental. The presence of various non-governmental groups further complicates the conduct of negotiations and compliance with the agreements reached, which occurs most often in the conditions of uncontrolled proliferation and use of weapons and others.

The rapid deployment of the forces needed to take part in resolving a conflict, and in particular the prevention and other tools of the international community's tools, are crucial to ensuring stability and security in different parts of the world in a dynamic environment. they will obviously retain this character for the foreseeable future.

Further consolidation and improvement of the combined use of funds (political and military) to ensure crisis management and resolution of regional conflicts can be expected.



Until recently, in the theory of martial arts, the concept of "war" was traditionally given priority, now the need has arisen to introduce the term "military conflict". This immediately raises the question of the relationship between these two categories.

In order to clarify the essence of the military conflict, war is considered as a complex socio-political phenomenon in the unified spectrum of military conflicts of varying intensity.