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L.3.4 Activities for prevention and liquidation of eco-catastrophes and fires



Globally, food production accounts for 40% of total water consumption.

For 1 cup of espresso - 140 liters of water are used (from planting the plants, the entire cultivation of the fruits, roasting, etc.)

For 1 hamburger - 2400 liters of water (Brazil, China, Turkey, Italy).

Coal reserves – 430 years;

Oil reserves – 35 years;

natural gas reserves – 50 years;

Global industry currently annually emits the following greenhouse gases into the atmosphere:

15 billion tons of carbon dioxide;

200 million tons of carbon monoxide;

500 million tons of various hydrocarbons;

120 million different production aerosols;

160 million tons of sulfur oxides;

110 million tons of nitrogen oxides;

The planet's ice cover, which is about 11% of all land, has begun to noticeably decrease and gradually thin.

This is because the average annual temperature of Antarctica alone has risen by 20C.

It is assumed with some approximation that there are 1.4 billion vehicles of all types. All of them emit about 200 chemical compounds into the atmosphere: lead oxides, nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons, benzpyrenes.

The period of their existence is from a few minutes to 4-5 years.

It is interesting to note the fact that a passenger car with a mileage of 15,000 km per year uses 15 tons of oxygen and emits into the atmosphere:

3 tons - carbon dioxide;

500 kilograms – carbon monoxide;

10 milligrams of rubber powder.

A jet plane burns 35 tons of oxygen when flying, i.e. as much as is obtained from 30,000 decares of forest in one day.

American and Russian space rockets have depleted 9-12% of the ozone layer.


1.     Environmental problems of the XXI century.


The development of civilization, aimed at raising the standard of living, contributes to the inevitable increase of harmful environmental factors. Industrial waste, the use of various chemical substances in household and agriculture, intense pollution of the atmosphere, water and soil lead to environmental problems and their negative impact on human health. Not to mention the sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, smoking, alcohol and drug abuse and the uncontrolled use of medicines. Disturbance of the ecological balance causes anxiety in connection with the fact that a large part of the population of the planet is in an unexplained situation - there is no disease, but there is also a lack of health. In recent years, a big problem of humanity is chronic fatigue syndrome. Environmental problems of the XXI century have increased the prevalence of oncological, cardiovascular, allergic and skin diseases is increasing with each passing year. Decreases life expectancy. Today, it is 57 years for men and 62 years for women. The death rate among young people is increasing, the birth rate of children with birth defects is increasing. We know that it is easier to prevent disease than to treat it. Therefore, the prevention of diseases is of primary importance for preserving health and prolonging life.

Our organism is a very complex bio-factory for biologically active substances, and even minor changes in its work can lead to serious disorders. "Health" is a human condition that determines life expectancy, physiological and mental capacity, good self-esteem and the creation of healthy offspring. Health depends both on the factors of the external environment and on the person himself, on his way of life, on the way of eating.

Air Pollution


Years ago, it was written in textbooks that air is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Not so anymore. ...

Years ago, it was written in textbooks that air is a colorless, odorless and tasteless gas. Not so anymore. Its color is grayish, it "smells" of nitrogen oxide and sulfur dioxide, it tastes like oil and ash... because it is polluted.

Pollution is mainly a consequence of the burning of so-called fossil fuels. These are oil, natural gas and coal. The pollutants themselves in the form of gas and dust cause acid rain. Raindrops are weakly acidic because of the carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, but nitrogen and sulfur oxides form stronger acids that have an adverse effect on plants and animals.

The greater harm that carbon dioxide causes is excessive warming of the atmosphere, i.e. the greenhouse effect. As it hits the Earth's atmosphere, some of the sunlight bounces back into space, while the rest continues to the surface, where it is reflected again.

But instead of it also going to space, thanks to carbon dioxide it returns to the surface many times. This leads to excessive warming and many negative effects. The worst is that the polar ice caps are melting and the world ocean level is rising. If this continues, coastal cities will be flooded. World centers like New York and London will be underwater.

The following process takes place in the ozonosphere: the ozone molecule, which consists of 3 oxygen atoms, which has fallen into the path of ultraviolet radiation, is ionized and split into atoms, which then combine again. This continuous process results in the absorption of UV rays. Freons (gases used in refrigeration) release chlorine, which binds to ozone and disrupts the process. One chlorine atom remains in the atmosphere for a long time and can interact more than 1000 times.

Every spring, the ozone layer over Antarctica thins by 50% and recovers in the summer. This is the largest ozone "hole" on the planet. According to scientists, the tendency is for it to gradually disappear completely in the next 40 years. Is it? Statistics show that every second around the world, 4 acres of forest are cut down! But they do convert carbon dioxide into oxygen! Where forests are cut down, the soil corrodes and eventually becomes a desert if not reforested (which rarely happens).

An important condition for a healthy environment is the presence of clean air. The main substances polluting the atmosphere are carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, ozone, methane and lead oxides.

Environmental problems of the 21st century continue the destruction of the ozone layer on Earth, which is associated with the impact of some chemical compounds, especially chlorofluorocarbons, which have accumulated over a long period and are characterized by a high chemical value and "lifetime" in the atmosphere from 60 to 400 years and so the environmental problems increase even more.

In the next 20 years, it is assumed that the environmental problems of the XXI century will increase the depletion of the stratospheric ozone layer by 8%. According to the data, a 1% depletion leads to a 2% increase in UV radiation.

One of the pollutants deserving of great attention is sulfur. When it enters the atmosphere, it combines with water and forms sulfuric acid. In foggy weather, it can penetrate deep into the lungs and affect sensitive tissues. High concentrations of sulfur oxide increase mortality and increase the amount of bronchial asthma. According to scientists from many countries, air pollution sharply increases allergic diseases among the population - bronchial asthma, dermatitis, food allergy, which affect more than 20% of the population. Man-made pollution affects biochemical indicators of children's blood, testifying to intoxication of the body. Sulfur-containing substances lead to violations of the normal height-kilogram ratios in all age groups, which determines the disharmony of the physical development of children. In areas where the atmospheric air is polluted with nickel, diseases of the respiratory organs in children, diseases of the cardiovascular system, diseases of the ENT organs, the central nervous system and the lungs are often found, and all this is a result of environmental problems

Water pollution


The main source of drinking water pollution is sewage and sewage. The main source of drinking water pollution is sewage and sewage. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, factories have been dumping waste products from their operations into rivers, lakes and seas. This harms not only local flora and fauna, but also plants and animals hundreds of kilometers away. Apart from production, pollution also comes from households.

Agriculture is another problem area. Fertilizers that increase crop yields and pesticides used to kill pests seep directly from the soil into groundwater and drinking water. These chemicals cause illness in children.

The shortage of fresh water is constantly increasing. About 1/3 of the planet's population experiences a constant need for water. 2,000 m3 of water per person per year in Bulgaria, while 60 m3 per person in the Sahara. The main reasons for the emergence and deepening of the problem with the shortage of fresh water are:

- the continuous increase in water needs due to the rapid increase of the population on a global scale and the intensive development of industries that consume large amounts of water:

- the loss of fresh water, a consequence of a decrease in the flow of rivers;

- the progressive pollution of water bodies with industrial, domestic and other waste water.

The aggravation of the problem of the scarcity of water resources leads to socio-economic and regional environmental problems:

- the health and lives of people are seriously endangered;

- the rates of economic development of individual regions and countries are limited;

- the condition of water ecosystems is greatly disturbed.

Oil spills resulting from tanker accidents have extremely serious consequences for nature. Since oil is lighter than water, it floats to the top. These spills cover thousands of kilometers and cut off access to oxygen and light to marine life; cause poisoning and death of coastal birds, fish, crustaceans and others.

An integral part of life is water, which satisfies the ecological, physiological, sanitary and hygienic needs of man. During his lifetime, a person drinks about 75 tons of water. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 80% of diseases are related to water. Many infectious and parasitic diseases can enter the human body with drinking water: cholera, typhoid, salmonellosis, dysentery, viral hepatitis, poliomyelitis and many other diseases that are related to the contamination of drinking water from sewage. In addition, toxic substances can get into the water during environmental disasters. A great potential danger in this regard is the discharge into water bodies of radioactive substances, as well as the deposition in water of heavy metals such as mercury or cadmium, causing characteristic diseases: mercuriosis, characterized by impairment of vision, hearing, touch and the disease cadmiosis, in which severe pains, deformation of the skeleton, bone fractures, lung damage are observed.

Soil contamination


Another important element of the biosphere, on which the state of human health depends, is the soil. Environmental problems of the 21st century increase heavy metals in the soil - lead, cadmium, cobalt, antimony, bismuth, mercury, vanadium, arsenic, as well as radioactive waste, can provoke various diseases, including genetic disorders and malignant formations. The global warming of the planet, the thinning of the ozone layer, the indiscriminate cutting down of tropical forests, the increase in acid rain, the uncontrollable growth of the population, the continuous reduction of millions of hectares of fertile land, the increasing amount of radioactive and other toxic waste, the strong, and even for many regions of dangerous pollution, arouse alarm and legitimate anxiety in humanity about the fate of our planet.

Global warming is a fact! Temperatures on the earth's surface have risen by 0.8°C in recent years. Over the next 100 years, they will rise between 1.50 and 3.50°C, and sea levels could rise between 15 and 95 cm. Scientists are almost unanimous that global warming is the result of emissions of carbon dioxide and other gases - culprits of the greenhouse effect. They are caused by human activity - industrial boom, increased use of minerals such as coal, oil, cutting down large forest areas, etc. Greenhouse gases allow solar radiation to reach the earth's surface, but absorb infrared heat rays and warm the earth's surface and the ground atmospheric layer. The natural greenhouse effect maintains an average temperature of about 15°C, making life on Earth possible. However, the rapid increase in greenhouse gases has serious consequences. Ever since life began on Earth, the natural release of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and other gases has helped maintain Earth's temperature within which life can exist. These substances act as a greenhouse, protecting the atmosphere from the sun's heat. Human activities increase the natural greenhouse effect. With the development of scientific and technical progress, with the increasing intensity of production, the interest and concern of the world public towards the state of our planet is constantly increasing.

As a result of the changes, the ice cover of the poles is melting. Warming in the Arctic and Antarctic and melting ice blocks are causing sea levels to rise, flooding fertile lowlands and coastlines. The amount of precipitation on Earth is changing, leading to unpredictable frequent floods or prolonged droughts. All these changes can be summarized in one concept - climate change. This climate change affects various components of the environment. It leads to the disappearance of fresh water supplies, the destruction of ecosystems and the reduction of biodiversity, the reduction of the volume and productivity of arable land, the destruction of forest massifs as a result of fires due to drought and high temperatures, the increase of deserts and the melting of mountain glaciers. Serious changes in the environment will lead to severe economic and social consequences.

Global climate change also has an impact on human health. In addition to heat waves and unusually warm weather, which acts as a shock to the body, the geographical distribution of a number of insect-borne diseases, such as malaria and typhus, is increasing and changing. In addition, increased industrial activities and automobile emissions lead to an increase in the incidence of severe and chronic

How can the impact of all these environmental problems of the XXI century on human health be avoided? The goal of modern scientists is to combine the achievements of science with the wisdom of nature. Collaborators of the Institute of Nutrition at the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences have conducted research and discovered the important disorders in the nutrition of the population of Russia. These are primarily the excessive use of animal fats, contributing to the increase in the number of people with various forms of obesity. And at the same time, the deficiency of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and in certain groups also complete (animal) proteins, the deficiency of vitamins (especially the antioxidants A, C, E, beta-carotene), the deficiency of macro- and micro elements (calcium, iron, iodine, fluorine, selenium, zinc) and the deficiency of dietary fiber. Malnutrition leads to an increase in the reduced indicators of physical development in children, to a disturbed immune status of the population, to an increase in the number of diseases associated with the deficiency of vital substances that ensure the normal state of the body. Obviously, biologically active nutritional supplements can become a necessary tool allowing effective adjustment of daily food intake.

According to the current explanation, BAD (biologically active supplements) is a concentrate of natural or identical to natural biologically active substances (essential, i.e. irreplaceable nutrients) intended for immediate intake and/or intake through food products. Biologically active supplements can be prepared from plant, animal or mineral raw materials, and can also be obtained in a biotechnological way.

Among dietary supplements (biologically active supplements), the so-called nutrients are distinguished, which are represented by vitamins or their precursors, polyunsaturated fatty acids, minerals, trace elements, amino acids, monosaccharides and disaccharides, dietary fibers. Nutrients fill the deficiency of essential nutrients, increase the body's non-specific resistance to the adverse effects of the environment, individualize nutrition and change the metabolism of substances. They have an immunomodulating effect, ensure binding and removal of foreign substances from the body, are part of therapeutic nutrition and serve as a preventive measure for a number of chronic diseases (obesity, atherosclerosis and other cardiovascular diseases, malignant formations, immunodeficiencies).

Another group of dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) are parapharmaceuticals, represented by so-called natural products (bioflavonoids, biogenic amines, organic acids and others). They regulate the physiological limits of the functional activity of organs and systems, have an adaptogenic effect, regulate nervous activity and the state of the microflora of the gastrointestinal tract.

The question is very interesting, where is the border between BAD (biologically active supplements) and medicine?

If the regulation and stimulation of the body's functions takes place within physiological limits and norms, then it is a dietary supplement, and if the response goes (outside) these limits, then it is a drug. Thus, today, biologically active supplements, representing natural compounds, are a necessary tool in man's struggle with environmental problems.

With the aim of primary and secondary prevention today, one can counteract a large part of these problems.


2.     Basic principles of environmental protection and nature management.


Nature conservation is a set of state and public measures aimed at preserving the atmosphere, vegetation and animal life, soils, waters and the earth's subsoil.

The intensive exploitation of natural resources leads to the need for a new approach and type of environmental protection activity - rational use of natural resources, in which the protection requirements are included in the very process of economic activity for the utilization of natural resources.

The protection of the environment of human habitation is a concept close to the protection of nature, but at its center attention is placed on man, on the preservation and formation of such natural conditions that are most favorable for his life, health and well-being.

Protection of the surrounding natural environment is a new form of human interaction with nature, born in modern conditions. It represents a system of state and public measures (technological, economic, administrative-legal, educational, international) aimed at a competent interaction of society with nature, the preservation and reproduction of the existing ecological and natural resources for the sake of current and future generations.

The term protection of the surrounding natural environment is increasingly used. Some authors use it in the sense of protecting the biosphere.

The protection of the biosphere is a system of actions carried out at the national and international level and aimed at removing undesirable anthropogenic or natural influences on the functionally interconnected parts of the biosphere (atmosphere, hydrosphere, soil cover, sphere of organic life) to maintain its organization, made in the course of evolution and to ensure its normal functioning.

The protection of the natural environment is closely related to the use of nature - one of the sections of applied ecology.

Nature utilization is a social production activity aimed at satisfying the material and cultural needs of society through the use of various natural resources and natural conditions.

According to N.F. Reimers (1992), nature use includes:

- protection, renewal and reproduction of natural resources, their extraction and processing;

-use and protection of natural conditions as a human living environment;

- preservation, restoration and rational change of ecological balance in natural systems;

-regulation of human reproduction and the number of people.

At the current modern stage, the problem of environmental protection gives rise to a new concept - ecological safety.

Environmental safety is a state of protection of the natural environment and the vital ecological interests of man and above all of his rights to a favorable environment.

Theoretical ecology is the scientific basis of all measures to ensure the ecological safety of the population and the rational use of nature.

Its most important principles are oriented towards maintaining the balance of ecosystems and preserving their existential potential.

Ecosystems have marginal limits of existence (existence and functioning) that must be taken into account in the anthropogenic impact.

They were first formulated by Saiko in 1985:

- limit of anthropogenicity - resistance to the negative anthropogenic impact, for example, the influence of pesticides harmful to mammals, flora and fauna;

- limit of natural tolerance - resistance against natural disasters, for example the impact on forest ecosystems of hurricane winds, snow avalanches, etc.;

- limit of homeostasis - ability to self-regulate;

- limit of potential regenerativeness - ability to self-recovery.

The way out of the global ecological crisis is an important problem (scientific and practical) of our time.

The task on which thousands of scientists, politicians, and specialists from all over the world are working is the development of a complex of reliable anti-crisis measures, enabling active counteraction to the further degradation of the natural environment and sustainable development of society.

Overcoming the ecological crisis can only be realized under the conditions of harmony between man and nature and destruction of the antagonism between them. The basis for this is the balance in the trinity of nature - man - society.

The main principles of environmental protection can be summarized as follows:

-priority protection of people's life and health;

- scientifically based combination of environmental and economic interests;

-rational and non-exhaustive use of natural resources;

- compliance with the requirements of environmental protection legislation and bearing responsibility for its violation;

- transparency in the work of environmental organizations and close cooperation between them and public associations and the population in solving environmental protection tasks;

- international cooperation in the field of environmental protection.

The most important environmental protection principle is the scientifically based combination of ecological and economic interests.

It is in the spirit of the International Conference of the United Nations in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, at which a course was adopted for a model of sustainable development of society, for a reasonable combination of environmental and economic priorities and their coordination, for the preservation of the natural environment , simultaneously with realizing economic growth in all areas.

The ecological crisis is not inevitable or natural. It is determined by many objective and subjective reasons. Unfortunately, among them is most often the consumerist and often predatory attitude towards nature, the neglect of fundamental ecological laws.

A successful exit from the global environmental crisis also requires a complex of directions in which work must be done simultaneously:

- improvement of technologies - creation of ecologically clean technologies, implementation of waste-free and low-waste production, renovation of the main production funds, etc. Funding for these events is unfortunately extremely insufficient;

- development and improvement of the economic mechanism for environmental protection;

-administrative - legal measures - adoption of administrative measures and measures for legal responsibility for environmental offences;

- ecological-educational direction - harmonization of ecological thinking, early start of ecological education;

- international legal direction - coordination of international relations for environmental protection on a global scale

In our country, certain steps have been taken towards realizing these directions. Environmental protection is based on the following principles enshrined in the Environmental Protection Act:

-Sustainable Development;

-Prevention and reduction of risk to human health;

-Advantage of preventing pollution over subsequent removal of the damage caused by it;

- Public participation and transparency in the environmental decision-making process;

- Citizens' awareness of the state of the environment;

- The polluter pays for the damages caused;

- Preservation, development and protection of ecosystems and their inherent biological diversity;

-Restoration and improvement of the quality of the environment in the polluted and damaged areas;

-Preventing pollution and damage to clean areas and other adverse effects on them;

- Integration of environmental protection policy into sectoral and regional policies for the development of the economy and public relations;

- Access to justice in environmental matters.


3. Engineering ecological protection and standardization of environmental qualities.


The main direction of the engineering ecological protection of the environment from pollution and other types of anthropogenic action is the implementation of raw material enrichment, waste-free and low-waste technologies, biotechnologies, utilization and detoxification of waste, and the main thing - greening of the entire production, which ensures the inclusion of all types of interactions with the environment in the natural cycles of the circulation of substances.

These principle directions are based on the cyclicality of material resources. They are borrowed from nature, in which closed cyclical processes operate. Technological processes in which all interactions with the environment are fully taken into account and measures are taken to prevent negative consequences are called green.

The most important importance for reducing the level of environmental pollution, the economy of raw materials and energy is the reuse of material resources, the so-called recycling. - To reduce and reduce to a minimum the amount of harmful waste and its impact on the natural environment are the following events are important:

- development of various types of waterless technological systems and water circulation cycles based on wastewater treatment;

- development of a system for processing waste from production into secondary material resources;

- creation and launch of new types of production, taking into account the possibilities for its reuse;

- creation of fundamentally new production processes, allowing to exclude or shorten the technological stages in which waste is produced.

The main environmental standards for the quality of the environment are the following:

-sanitary-hygienic - MPC (Maximum Permissible Concentration) of harmful substances; permissible level of physical impacts (noise, vibrations, ionizing radiation, etc.).

- production- economic: permissible disposal and release of harmful substances; standard for waste during production and consumption.

- complex indicators - permissible anthropogenic load on the environment.

The maximum permissible concentration (MPC) represents the amount of pollutants in the soil, air or water, which, when permanently or temporarily exposed to humans, do not affect their health and have adverse consequences in their offspring.

The permissible norms of anthropogenic load on the environment are the maximum possible anthropogenic impacts on natural resources or complexes, not leading to disruption of the sustainability of ecological systems.

The ability of ecosystems to recover in minimal terms from anthropogenic impact is indicated by another indicator - effective production of vegetation as a result of secondary succession.

The potential ability of the natural environment to carry one or another anthropogenic load without disturbing the basic functions of ecosystems is defined as the capacity of the natural environment or the ecological capacity of the given territory.


4. Environmental risk management and environmental monitoring.


Environmental risk management is the process of making decisions and taking actions aimed at preventing it.

The elements of risk management are: developing an environmental protection strategy and controlling the state of the environment. Risk management implies undertaking a complex complex of decisions - political, social, technical and economic

Any exceeding of the limits of the permissible risk of individual proceedings must be crossed by law. For this purpose, the activity of environmentally hazardous productions is limited or terminated.

The environmental risk factor exists in any production, regardless of its location.

There are regions that are more favorable in terms of environmental risk and those where the probability of its occurrence is many times greater.

In threatened areas, the probability of negative phenomena in the ecological systems and also of depletion of natural resources is significantly exceeded.

As a consequence of these threats, the likelihood of risk to people's health and life increases. Areas of increased ecological risk are characterized by the following features (or some of them):

-increased ecological danger;

- extraordinary ecological situation;

- environmental disaster;

-chronic pollution of the environment;

The emergency ecological situation refers to a territory on which, as a result of the impact of negative anthropogenic factors, sustainable negative changes in the environment occur, threatening the health of the population, the state of natural ecosystems, the gene pool of plants and animals.

Most often to old problems such as soil and pasture degradation, strong wind erosion, fresh water deficit, low soil fertility, etc. new ones are added and superimposed - "greenhouse effect", progressive salinization and swamping of lands, destruction of forest massifs, intensive pollution with new chemical industrial and toxic substances.

An ecological disaster zone is declared to be a territory on which an irreversible environmental change has taken place, leading to problems such as the deterioration of the health of the population, the destruction of natural ecosystems, and the degradation of flora and fauna. Such areas are, for example, the areas most affected after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident.

The legal regime and the financing of environmental restoration losses depend on which zone of increased ecological risk the given territory belongs to.

Environmental monitoring (from the Latin monitor - reminding, overseeing) means a system of observations, assessment and forecasting of the state of the environment.

Environmental monitoring is the collection, assessment and summarization of information about the surrounding building through continuous or periodic monitoring of certain qualitative and quantitative indicators characterizing the state of the environmental components and their change as a result of the impact of natural and anthropogenic factors. It is a major part of the country's environmental control. A basic principle of environmental monitoring is continuous monitoring. Its main purpose is monitoring the state of the environment and the level of its pollution. No less important is the timely assessment of the consequences of anthropogenic impact on nature, ecosystems and people's health, as well as preventive measures.

The development and control of global monitoring is carried out by the World Meteorological Organization. The main objectives of this type of monitoring are:

-organization of a wide warning system for dangers to people's health;

- assessment of the impact of global atmospheric pollution;

- assessment of the amount and distribution of pollutants in biological systems, especially in food chains;

- assessment of critical problems arising as a result of agricultural activity and land use;

- assessment of the pollution of the World Ocean and the impact of pollution on natural ecosystems;

- evaluation of the reactions of terrestrial ecosystems, as a result of the influence of various pollutants;

- creation of a warning system in case of danger of natural disasters on an international scale.


Nature and causes of fires.




Fire is a process of combustion of various substances that is unorganized or uncontrollable and has the ability to spread spontaneously.

Combustion is a chemical process of rapid conversion of substances during an oxidation reaction, accompanied by the intensive release of heat and the emission of light.

In order for the combustion process to start and proceed in a fire, the presence of three conditions is necessary (classic fire triangle):

   - combustible substance;

   - oxidizer;

   - source of ignition.

Burning in a fire is often accompanied by an explosion.

The fuel and the oxidizer (oxygen from the air or oxygen-containing substances) are the reacting elements in the combustion process.

The source of ignition is too diverse. It can be:

  - electric spark in case of bad contact or overload of the electrical network;

  - a heated body or thermal manifestation of another type of energy, e.g. chemical (exothermic reaction) or mechanical (compression, impact, friction);

  - open flame, etc.

By flammability, substances and materials are divided into the following groups:

• Flammable (oxidizing agents - chlorine, ozone), substances that release combustible products or heat when in contact with water, oxygen or other substances, such as sodium, potassium, calcium carbonate, etc.;

• Flame retardant. They are ignited by an ignition source in an air environment, but cannot burn independently after its removal;

• Combustible. These substances and materials, after ignition, burn independently and spread the combustion;

• Highly flammable. This group includes all combustible substances and materials that are ignited by a short-term (up to 30 seconds) exposure to a low-energy ignition source, such as a spark, match flame, smoldering cigarette, etc. All liquids that ignite at a temperature less than 61°C are flammable, and those at a temperature above 61°C are called flammable liquids;

The composition of combustible substances may include elements (carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, magnesium, nitrogen and many others), some of which are capable of oxidation, forming the so-called combustion products (carbon monoxide and dioxide, water, sulfur dioxide, magnesium oxide, diphosphorus pentoxide, etc.).

During the burning and decomposition of the materials, nitrogen oxides, hydrogen sulfide, phosgene, hydrocyanic acid, chlorine, hydrogen chloride, and other highly effective toxic substances can also be found in the composition of the smoke.

In the event of a fire, not only the products of combustion have a harmful effect, but also the reduction of oxygen (when it decreases to 14÷16%, you may lose consciousness, and when it drops to 9%, there is a danger to life).

The smell of sulfur, garlic, bitter almonds and other unpleasant odors or the sweet and bitter taste of smoke, felt at the site of the fire, indicate that it contains toxic substances.

Toxic products in case of fire are mainly formed during combustion or decomposition of plastics, various types of rubber, synthetic fibers and resins.

Most often, poisoning is caused by carbon monoxide, which is formed in almost all fires.

Causes of an uncontrolled combustion process.

The causes of fires are very diverse and different. They could be classified into several groups:

• from lightning (lightning, thunder). The phenomenon is accompanied by the formation of huge sparks, which develop a huge temperature (over 4500ºС).

• from earthquakes.

During strong earthquakes, heating and other installations (furnaces, pipelines, stoves, etc.) can be destroyed, and the ejected embers, sparks and hot gases can cause ignition and fire.

• from the action of the sun's rays.

• from volcanic eruptions.

• from malfunctioning of machines and internal combustion engines.

• from the thermal action of electrical energy.

• from an open fire.

• Static electricity as a source of fires.


5. Fire protection measures and activities.


Fires impede the process of rescuing the stricken and increase their numbers. In order to carry out the rescue work in the buildings, it is necessary, first of all, to provide access to the formations in the focus of defeat, to localize the fires, and then to extinguish them. That is why rescue operations also include active actions to deal with fires.

The work of locating and extinguishing fire outbreaks is organized by the fire service and is carried out by fire brigades at the same time as other types of rescue work. Localization and extinguishing of fires are carried out both in the sites of the rescue works and on the evacuation route of the affected. In order to prevent individual outbreaks of fires from joining into massive (dense) ones, measures are taken to limit them.

In order to prevent the fire from spreading in depth, fire protection strips are arranged along the path of FIRE spread. For this purpose, easily flammable materials and vegetation are removed along the path of the fire. The fire protection strip must have a width of not less than 50-150 m.

The work of creating the fire lanes, although very labor-intensive, is carried out in a short time by formations equipped with bulldozers and other equipment.


When carrying out emergency response in case of fires creating a prerequisite for a disaster, the on-site manager determines:

1. the need to attract additional forces and means to the scene of the fire in addition to the forces of the Fire Rescue Service;

2. the measures to be taken according to the site's emergency plan;

3. the need for special measures to neutralize or reduce the harmful effects of the fire;

4. the need to build containment ramparts (from sand, earth) or other measures to limit spills of flammable liquids or combustible liquids, OHV;

5. the need to cool down installations, equipment and tanks after extinguishing the fire.


Based on the assessment of the situation with the help of experts from the sites, state and local government bodies, the on-site manager assigns tasks to the teams, determines the order for conducting the NAVR and organizes the observance of safe working conditions.


6. Measures to prevent fires and reduce their consequences.


6.1. PP events.

Fire prevention measures can be systematized into four groups, however, they are closely related to each other and in some cases overlap:

Fire prevention measures.


   - education of the population;

   - issuance of laws, regulations and instructions;

   - control for compliance with fire regulations and requirements.


   - correct selection and compliance with the fire protection requirements of the technological processes;

   - construction and operation of heating, lighting and electrical equipment;

   - proper storage and storage of flammable and combustible liquids and materials.

Measures limiting the spread of a fire:

   - correct choice of fire resistance of buildings depending on their purpose;

   - installation of fire barriers (central walls, vestibules, gateways, etc.);

   - appropriate location of the buildings in the neighborhoods and the workshop premises of the factories depending on their fire resistance and the category of production;

   - limiting the amount of flammable liquids and materials during storage and storage.

Measures ensuring the evacuation of people and property in case of fire:

   - evacuation routes during a fire (stairs, corridors, entrances, exits);

   - backup lighting (battery) with appropriate distribution and placement of lighting fixtures.

Measures ensuring successful and quick fire extinguishing:

   - location of the buildings, in view of their accessibility for fire fighting;

   - fire-fighting water supply;

   - fire-fighting equipment with technical means for extinguishing fires;

   - fire alarm installations for quick and automatic notification of the start of the fire;

   - fire extinguishing installations for quick and automatic extinguishing of fires;

   - organization of training of the population and production personnel.

6.2. Ways to stop burning.

A) cooling of the combustion zone or reacting substances:

- by applying a layer of fire-extinguishing substances to the surface;

- by mixing it;

- crushing and disassembling and then cooling.

B) Isolate reacting substances from the combustion zone:

- creation of an insulating layer on the surface of the burning material;

- creation of an insulating layer in the burning materials with the help of an explosion;

- creation of lines to stop the fire;

- creation of hermeticity of the premises.

C) dilution/mixing of reacting substances in the combustion zone with non-combustible ones:

- dilution of the air entering the combustion zone;

- dilution of burning substances in the combustion zone;

D) Chemical interaction of the above reaction

6.3. Preparation and basic extinguishing methods:

▪ Sending reconnaissance groups to determine the nature of the fire, its limits and the direction of the spread of the fire, the possible places for the construction of fence strips, the location of the people threatened by the fire, the presence and condition of the water sources that can be used, the roads of approach for extinguishing the fire, etc.

▪ Equipping the formations for extinguishing the fire with special clothing, helmets, smoke masks or gas masks with a hopcalite cartridge.

▪ Extinguishing is carried out by providing mutual assistance between the people extinguishing the fire, and those working in dangerous places are provided with continuous monitoring and, if necessary, are doused with water or given other support.

▪ Extinguishing the fire with water or with solutions of fire-extinguishing chemicals.

▪ Throwing earth and other inert materials into the fire.

▪ Making oblique strokes on the flame with green branches (for low and medium low fires).

▪ Construction of fence strips with a width not less than twice the height of the burning fire.

6.4. Individual actions in the event of a forest fire:

   - determine the direction of the wind and leave the area that will fall within the reach of the fire;

   - report the fire to the nearest settlement or forest lodge;

   - if you are blocked by the fire, look for natural obstacles - clearings, roads, meadows, clearings or other bare places. Use the water if there is a river nearby - wet your clothes and body or immerse yourself in it;

   - cover the exposed parts of the body, place a wet towel or cloth in front of your mouth and nose. Move bent;

   - if the burning area is small, try to put out the fire yourself, using an outer garment or a bundle of hastily broken branches to hit the flames. Contain the fire by collecting dry branches and leaves in the path of the fire. The clothes do not come off - they absorb part of the heat;

   - in your actions, proceed from the fact that the fire spreads faster in the direction of the wind and on a slope - from the low parts to the top;

   - provide help and assistance to the teams in locating fires and evacuating people and animals from the area of the fire.

6.5. Rescuing people from burning and smoky buildings.

In the event of a fire, extinguish it immediately with the available forces and means, while at the same time notifying the nearest fire department (tel. 160). When the cause of the fire is the electrical system, then it should be immediately disconnected from the main switchboard, after which the fire extinguishing should begin.

In the event of a fire in administrative buildings, hotels, theaters, universities, schools, kindergartens, social homes, etc. leaving the burning buildings is carried out without panic, according to a previously developed evacuation plan. A characteristic feature when a fire occurs in nurseries, kindergartens, homes for the disabled and the elderly, hospitals is that children and elderly people who cannot move independently are carried out by hands or by stretchers by the pedagogical and medical service staff.

In case of fire, smoke, toxic vapors and gases, high temperature, explosives, destruction of building structures, etc., have a harmful effect on people's health and life, which is why precautions must be taken before leaving the burning building. Basically, these measures come down to protecting the body from high temperatures and protecting the respiratory system from toxic gases. Before leaving the burning building, a blanket, an outer garment is wet with water and the upper part of the body is covered, paying particular attention to the hair, face and hands. To protect toxic gases, it is necessary to inhale through gauze or a handkerchief pre-moistened in an aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate. To speed up this manipulation, sodium bicarbonate in dry form can be placed between the individual layers of the gauze or handkerchief, after which it is wetted and inhaled through it.

Leaving the burning and smoky buildings is done through the main and emergency exits, stairs and corridors. If this is impossible, ie. they are engulfed by massive streams of fire, then rescue is carried out through the terraces and windows of the facade walls, which are not engulfed in flames. For this purpose, rescue ropes, fire-fighting ladders, fire-fighting car lifts and cranes are used. In multi-story administrative and residential buildings, hotels, etc., when the fire has covered several floors, if the conditions allow, people can be rescued from the roof of the building by helicopters.

In the absence of any possibility to independently leave the burning buildings, the rescue of people is carried out by specialized fire-fighting teams. The order of rescue is determined not by the number of people to be helped, but by the degree of danger to their lives. First of all, people are rescued from the more endangered places, and under the same conditions, the rescue begins with pregnant women, small children, the elderly, the sick, and the disabled.

When clothing catches fire after leaving the burning buildings, one should not run, as this action increases the burning, and remove them or cover the burning parts with other outer clothing, blankets and other materials in order to cut off the access of air to the burning clothes and the cessation of burning. If water, fire extinguishers and other means of extinguishing are available outside the burning building, they are also used for extinguishing.

In case of carbon monoxide (CO) poisoning, the victims are taken out to fresh air, their clothes are loosened and they are left at rest. In the event of a sharp drop in blood pressure, mouth-to-mouth artificial respiration is performed. The victims are given warm milk, mineral water, bicarbonate of soda solution and transported to a hospital.



In the seismically active regions of the planet, including Bulgaria, earthquakes appear as the most catastrophic natural disasters. The observed trend of increasing damage from earthquakes is explained by three main factors:

• a large increase in human and material losses in strongly earthquake-prone areas;

• underestimation of the real earthquake danger, leading to the belittling and even elimination of anti-earthquake measures, above all in construction;

• still insufficient opportunities for science to offer highly effective solutions to reduce the consequences by predicting earthquakes and the characteristics of expected strong earthquake impacts and to offer absolutely safe methods for securing construction.

Earthquakes are not evenly and randomly distributed over its entire surface. They are concentrated in seismic belts that coincide with the zones of contact and relative movements between the large lithospheric plates. Bulgaria is located in the eastern part of the Balkan Peninsula, which is the most active node of the Alpo-Himalayan belt for Europe.

The earthquake situation in the Balkans has its own specificity. The main part of the earthquakes are shallow with foci at a depth of up to 60 km (in the earth's crust), which greatly increases the effects on the earth's surface. With high population density and high building density, this fact means significant consequences even from relatively weak earthquakes.

Earthquakes are natural disasters with the highest risk, which can cause landslides, floods, accidents, epidemics, disruption of communication and transport links, etc. The most severe situation is usually created in densely populated and industrial areas of large cities.

These consequences depend on the magnitude of the earthquake, on the distance of the objects from the epicenter and on the safety of the buildings against seismic impacts.

Seismic securing of buildings and facilities in Bulgaria remains the decisive factor for reducing human and material losses in the event of an earthquake. Over the years it has been regulated as follows:

• until the beginning of 1958, buildings (including those with different categories of Bulgarian cultural heritage on the territory of the country) were not insured against earthquake impacts;

• 1957 - the "regulations for the design and construction of buildings and engineering facilities in seismic areas" came into force, based on a seismostatistic map of zoning, reflecting the observed intensities (magnitudes) of the earthquakes documented until then;

• In 1961 and 1964, the map was reassessed, underestimating the areas of the VII, VIII and IX degree zones;

• 1977 - after the earthquake in Vrancha, new areas of VII and VIII degrees were added in the Danube part of northern Bulgaria;

• 1987 – a new seismic zoning of Bulgaria was introduced;

In general, 98% of the territory of Bulgaria will be subjected to seismic impact with intensity of 7th degree and higher, of which with intensity of 7th degree - 51%, with 8th degree - 28%, with 9 degree and higher - 19%. These areas include settlements with a population of about 6,340,000 people, representing 80% of the country's population, and may be partially or completely destroyed - 26% of the building stock. About 5,900,000 people, which is 74% of the country's population, fall into areas with intensity of the 8th and 9th degrees on the MSK-64 scale.

fig.1 Seismic zoning of Bulgaria


In preparing our country to meet a strong earthquake, the most serious problem related to vulnerability is the available building stock, a very large percentage of which was designed and built before the new earthquake norms of 1987, i.e. for much lower levels of seismic insurance. Data on the strongest earthquakes in the 20th century, whose epicenters are on the territory of Bulgaria, are shown in table 2.


A specific problem is the lack of undertaken and implemented preliminary strengthening measures for the protection of discovered, preserved and restored archaeological structures, buildings and ensembles of national importance, vaults and storage facilities for storing movable cultural values from the impact of risk factors. The possibility of mobilizing, if necessary, expert teams to assess the damage to the building stock, as well as the way of providing the affected population with temporary shelters, especially in adverse weather conditions, remains unclear.

The problem is the condition of the building stock of enterprises with risky productions. There are still bad practices in spatial planning, investment design and the implementation and operation of constructions, leading to an increase in the risk of destruction in the event of a seismic impact. Such bad practices are:

• inconsistent routes of the road and engineering infrastructure in the development schemes;

• lack of planned planning, design and implementation of integrated measures in the investment projects, which are also disaster protection measures;

• inconsistent indicators of density and intensity of construction;

• allowing reduced (relatively small) distances between buildings;

• continued, although to a lesser extent, remodeling in the ground floors of existing buildings, leading to a serious increase in the vulnerability of the structures.

There is a lack of vision for the responsibilities for determining and complying with the minimum requirements for the degree of resilience of the country's critical infrastructure in terms of seismic impact. Earthquake levels have not been defined at which, as a result of already destroyed building stock and facilities, we expect serious damage to power transmission and power distribution facilities.

Many of the institutions do not have data on the degree of sustainability of the buildings and facilities in the sphere regulated and managed by them.

No work is being done to limit the degradation of the existing building stock.


7.     Activity for NAVR in the event of an earthquake.


In case of an earthquake, in which there is a combined zone of defeat - destruction, burials, people under the rubble, destruction of elements of the utility-energy network, fires, pollution with industrial toxic substances, creation of foci of pollution from radioactive sources, floods, activation of landslides , disruption of communications, a large number of affected people and those left without homes, the possibility of biological contamination, creation of prerequisites for the emergence of epidemics and others, the NAVR is conducted.

In the area affected by an earthquake, emergency response is carried out in cooperation with the main components of the unified rescue system.

Reconnaissance is conducted to determine:

• travel routes to the defeat zone.

• the places for setting up side and highway passages.

• the locations of buildings with mass residence of people and those in which search and rescue operations must immediately begin.

• the degree of destruction of the elements of the utility-energy networks (KEM) and the secondary damage they caused.

• outbreaks of fires.

• the presence of contamination with radioactive sources, POPs, agents of biological contamination.

• the buildings threatened with demolition, which are not subject to strengthening.

• the presence of concentrations of explosive and flammable gases in the air above the permissible values.

• the condition of roads and road facilities.

• the state of hydrotechnical facilities.

• the condition of tailings ponds.

• the state of the railway network, airports and ports.

• the places convenient for deploying VPSP.

• suitable places to store the bodies of the dead.

• the locations of helipads.

• places to set up tent camps.

• the places for deploying camping kitchens.

• points for distribution of food, water, medicine and others.

• the deployment locations of field hospitals.

• the extent and nature of the destruction.

• the presence of living people under the ruins.

• the possibility of using different types of means of communication.

• locations convenient for deploying control points (CPs).

• the discovery of designs, schemes, drawings or other similar information about the destroyed buildings.

• survivors who can provide useful information.

• the state of the epidemiological situation.

• the convenient locations for deploying checkpoints to and from the area of defeat.

• the presence of social institutions that could function and perform tasks to eliminate the consequences.

• the presence of objects that must be immediately secured.

• the condition of embassies and buildings where foreigners reside.

• the state of objects that could cause ecological pollution of the environment.

• the state of social institutions for the residence of people with mental disabilities, adults, children deprived of parental care, places of deprivation of liberty.

• the state of objects of national importance.

Based on the data from the intelligence conducted, the on-site manager assesses the situation, assigns tasks to the teams, determines the procedure for conducting the NAVR and organizes the observance of safe working conditions.

When conducting the NAVR, the on-site manager undertakes the following:

• 1. notifies the electricity distribution company through the OC of the disconnection of the electricity supply in the area;

• 2. notifies the operators through the OC of interruption of the water supply and product pipelines for liquid or gaseous substances;

• 3. organizes the implementation of urgent strengthening works in buildings and facilities in the places of intervention;

• 4. organizes the provision of access of mechanized means and equipment to the affected areas;

• 5. organizes the execution of fire extinguishing actions;

• 6. organizes emergency drainage of endangered areas;

• 7. organizes the fumigation of smoky premises;

• 8. organizes the taking of preventive measures to reduce the risk of secondary harmful consequences;

• 9. organizes, if necessary, the dispersal of belongings and valuables;

• 10. assists in organizing tent camps for the affected population;

• 11. assists other emergency recovery teams from ESS;

• 12. coordinates the clearing of destruction;

• 13. organizes the provision of assistance in the implementation of the NAVR in water management facilities according to the emergency plans.


The NAVR department participates in intelligence when assigning tasks from the operational communication and information centers. When carrying out such reconnaissance, O "ASD" uses its own means of communication.

With the help of the bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, no persons not related to the rescue activities are allowed in the site of the NAVR.

Based on the intelligence data, the on-site manager assesses the situation, assigns tasks to the groups and determines the order of work, and instructs on the measures for safe working conditions.

Rescue operations begin with urgent strengthening works in half-destroyed and burning buildings and facilities with the aim of evacuating people and finding and rescuing those buried under the ruins.

When conducting the NAVR, if possible, the plans of the buildings and facilities are used or persons who live or

The clearing of the destruction is done from top to bottom, and the technique is not introduced on the destruction and no direct clearing is carried out with it.

Passages are being built under the debris to save people

When making the passages, the obtained shape of the destruction should be preserved as much as possible, and where it is necessary to expand or drill holes, the necessary precautions should be taken to avoid injury to the victims and to strengthen the structure. It is also possible to arrange vertical shafts to reach the buried ones.

The strengthening of structures is most often carried out with auxiliary materials (wooden material, etc.). If the victim is near the outer edge of the embankment, it is possible to use air-lifting cushions for temporary reinforcement. This method is applied to relatively strong structures and resistance to destruction and the absence of repeated earthquakes of great intensity.

In case of danger of secondary earthquakes and destroyed unstable structures, preventing the construction of passages and shafts, SNAVR is carried out by successive clearing, with the main attention to the places with localized people.

Geophones, thermal cameras, sonars and rescue dogs are used to search for people under ruins.

Periodically, all activities and work with machines are suspended to detect signals given by overwhelmed people.

After discovering the buried person, contact is established with him to clarify his exact location, his state of health and the situation around him. This information is necessary for the preparation of the rescue team for carrying out the rescue activities.

The trapped person must understand clearly and emphatically that he has been found and that rescue teams are working to save him. Contact with the victim is periodically maintained in order to save his strength. If necessary, it is supplied with air.

When discovering trapped people, it is possible to carry out rescue operations by hand without the use of mechanization. This is most often done in the case of monolithic construction and close proximity to the victim.

During the rescue operations, elements that have not been released are not forcibly separated, nor are cables, ropes, pieces of fittings, etc. pulled.

When working with means for small mechanization, for the construction of passages and shafts, the measures for safe working conditions in case of gas poisoning are observed and the sanitary-hygienic and anti-epidemic measures are observed with the rescuers.

The use of assigned heavy engineering equipment (bulldozers, excavators, cranes, cranes, etc.) is directed by the site manager or a person authorized by him.

Setting up passages in the debris and rescuing victims from buried buildings and facilities

Clearing the debris and creating passages is an important task of the engineering formations involved in the rescue operation.

The peculiarity of these works lies in the fact that they must be carried out in the shortest possible time in order to ensure the timely access of the rescue formations to the work sites and to quickly provide assistance to the victims. The work ends with placing signs and traffic regulation posts.

If there is a river, canals and other water barriers in the settlement, preventing the passage of the rescue formations in the focus of defeat, it is necessary to build a ford or build temporary bridges (simplified construction).

In the course of the rescue operation, the primary task is the rescue of the buried and those whose lives are threatened by the impact of secondary factors. Those buildings and facilities from which those taking refuge cannot get out on their own are considered to be overwhelmed. Usually, the congestion of the exits is at a height of more than 0.5 t.

The search for the victims is carried out by the emergency and rescue units, which meticulously inspect the territory of their designated area for work.

Extracting the victims from under the rubble is an extremely complex and difficult activity. In order to determine the most appropriate course of action, it is necessary to carefully inspect and study the rubble, while at the same time taking measures to prevent further collapses.

The rescue of victims from the overwhelmed buildings and facilities is carried out as follows:

- the locations of the overwhelmed buildings (facilities) of

territory of the city (site);

a connection is established with the hidden and the situation is clarified;

- the supply of air to the cluttered or destroyed room (facility) is ensured, if this is necessary;

- passages are made to the crowded hiding places and the places for deploying the means of mechanization are cleared;

- opening of the cluttered room is carried out;

those in the facility are provided with an exit, and those affected are given first medical aid and evacuated to the medical center;

the exposed premises (facilities) are indicated by conventional signs.

The discovery of the flooded shelters in the focus of defeat is done by local objects, with the help of stored plans and by means of specific signs.

The hiders can be contacted by phone or radio if they are saved. In case of impossibility to conduct a conversation on

the phone and the radio can be used! ventilation pipes and other openings. In addition, a connection can also be established by tapping.

To supply air to the victims, first of all the preserved ventilation pipes and devices are discovered and cleared. When these devices are destroyed, efforts are directed to clearing and opening the doors of the premises (facilities) or the roof of the emergency exits or an opening is drilled in the enclosing structures.

Air supply to the room is carried out with the help of compressors, portable fans or through the holes made,

The victims located near the surface of the ruins. are taken out after carefully clearing the structural elements and other objects that prevent their rescue. and for the rescue of those buried in the lower floors and basements of the destroyed and badly damaged buildings, passages and openings with a width of 0.6-0.8 m and a height of 0.9-1.1 m are arranged. The victims are carried out in different ways depending on the conditions: on hands, on cloths, blankets, stretchers, etc.

Casualties located in the depth of the pile-up (below the pile-up). are extracted through passages with dimensions: width 0.6-0.7 m and height 0.6-0.9 m.

The gaps and cracks formed in the backfill from the fall of large building elements are used to arrange passages.

The victims are extracted from under the rubble by calculations formed by the units of the rescue formations. Each estimate consists of 4-6 people, one of whom is appointed as a senior.

To rescue people from buildings with destroyed or blocked entrances, resort to clearing the blocked entrances; drilling holes in the walls to connect with the rooms that have an exit; use of different types of ladders, ropes, abseils; containment and extinguishing of fires obstructing entrances and exits of buildings.

The opening of the emergency exits is carried out with the help of bulldozers, excavators, etc. engineering machines. Excavators or cranes are used to clear the building entrances and make passages to the enclosing structures.



Threatening to collapse, is required to ensure the safety of formations in the focus of defeat.

Before starting work, it is necessary to review the unstable buildings and structures and determine which of them need strengthening and which are for demolition. The next activity is to cordon off (isolate) the buildings designated for demolition to prevent accidents.

The strengthening of the buildings, depending on their heights, is carried out in the following way: walls with a height of up to 6 tons are strengthened by placing ordinary wooden or metal supports.

Walls of buildings with a height of 12 m and more are strengthened with double supports. In both cases, the number of supports is determined by the stability of the building being strengthened. Elements from destroyed buildings and structures can be used for strengthening.

The demolition of the buildings threatened with collapse is carried out with the help of a tractor, a winch and a metal rope.







This is a rapidly rotating storm system characterized by 1) a low-pressure center, 2) a closed low-level atmospheric circulation, 3) strong winds, and 4) a spiral arrangement of thunderstorms that produce heavy rain or squalls. 55

Term HURRICANE traditionally is referring to storms in the western Atlantic and northeastern Pacific.

Actually, it is a TROPICAL CYCLONE as

v Tropical refers to the geographical origin of these systems, which form almost exclusively over tropical seas.

v Cyclone refers to their winds moving in a circle, whirling round their central clear eye, with their winds blowing counterclockwise in the Northern Hemisphere and clockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.



How hurricanes occur? (Fig. 37)56

Hurricanes come only over very warm water (27°C and higher) in the ocean. The air must cool off very quickly vertically from the ocean surface.


The wind must be blowing in the same direction at the same speed to force air upward. Winds flow outward above the storm allow the air below to rise.

Fig. 37.





Hurricanes typically form between 5 to 15 degrees latitude north and south of the equator. The spin in the hurricane needs the Coriolis Force57 to create itself.

That inertial force is too weak near the equator, so hurricanes never can form there.



Hurricane Stages



Tropical Wave
A low pressure trough moving generally westward with the trade winds.

Tropical Disturbance
An organized area of thunderstorms that usually forms in the tropics. Typically, they maintain their identity for 24 hours and are accompanied by heavy rains and gusty winds.


Tropical Cyclone
A generic term for any organized low pressure that develops over tropical and sometimes sub-tropical waters. Tropical depressions, tropical storms, and hurricanes are all example of tropical cyclones.

Tropical Depression
An organized area of low pressure where sustained winds are 60 kmph or less.

Tropical Storm
A tropical cyclone with maximum sustained wind speeds that range 60-120 kmph.
A tropical cyclone with sustained winds of at least 120 kmph.


Depending on locations and strength, these tropical cyclones are named differently adding besides ‘hurricane’, ‘typhoon’, ‘tropical storm’, or simply ‘cyclone’. Comparable storms are referred to as "tropical cyclones" or "severe cyclonic storms".58




57 An inertial force that acts on objects in motion within a frame of reference that rotates.

58 Landsea, Chris. "Why doesn't the South Atlantic Ocean experience tropical cyclones?. Atlantic Oceanographic and Meteorological Laboratory

v   A hurricane is a tropical cyclone that occurs in the Atlantic Ocean and northeastern Pacific Ocean,

v   A typhoon occurs in the northwestern Pacific Ocean; in the south Pacific or Indian Ocean



The primary energy source for these storms is warm ocean waters. These storms are therefore typically strongest when over or near water, and weaken quite rapidly over land.

Coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to the impact of a tropical cyclone, compared to inland regions.



As a hurricane’s winds spiral around and around the

storm, they push water into a mound at the storm’s center (Fig. 38)59. This mound of water becomes dangerous when the storm reaches land because it causes flooding. A hurricane will cause more storm surge in areas where the ocean floor slopes gradually. Storm surges are frequently the most devastating element of a hurricane.















Fig. 38




Tropical cyclones concentrate atmospheric moisture and moisture evaporated from water into precipitation over a much smaller area. This

continual replacement of moisture-bearing air by new moisture-bearing air after its moisture may cause multi-hour or multi-day extremely heavy rains up to 40 kilometers from the coastline. This in turn can lead to flooding across a large area.



59 Henderson-Sellers, A.; Zhang, H.; Berz, G.; Emanuel, K.; Gray, W.; Landsea, C.; Holland, G.; Lighthill, J.; Shieh, S.L.; Webster, P.; McGuffie, K. (1998). "Tropical Cyclones and Global Climate Change: A Post-IPCC Assessment". Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society.


v  Have a disaster plan and a contingency plan. Before a storm threatens, contact your local authorities for information on preparing you for an emergency.

v  Board up windows and bring in outdoor objects that could blow away.

v  Make sure you know where all the evacuation routes are.

v  Prepare a disaster supplies for your home, pets and car.

v  Prepare a first aid kit, canned food, bottled water, flashlight, protective clothing.

v  Be aware on how to turn off electricity, gas, and water.

v  Use smartphone or portable radio to receive updated information by authorities.

v  Have some cash handy as well, because following a hurricane, banks and ATMs may be temporarily out of service.


v  Stay away from low-lying and flood prone areas. Always stay indoors during a hurricane, because strong winds will blow things around.

v  If your home is not on higher ground, go to a shelter.

v  If emergency managers say to evacuate, then do so immediately.





v  Stay indoors until it is safe to come out.

v  Check for injured or trapped people, without putting yourself in danger.

v  Watch out for flooding which can happen after a hurricane.

v  Do not attempt to drive in flooding water.

v  Stay away from standing water. It may be electrically charged from underground or downed power lines.

v  Do not drink tap water until officials say it is safe to do so.



This is a violent rotating column of air extending from a thunderstorm to the ground. Violent tornadoes are capable of tremendous destruction.

Wind speeds of up to 500 kmph.

Damage paths can be in excess of one kilometer wide to 70 km long.









Fig. 39

Tornadoes can appear as a traditional funnel shape (Fig. 40), or in a slender rope-like form.

Even may be nearly invisible, with only swirling dust or debris at ground levels as the only indication of the tornado's presence.

The funnel cloud is a rotating cone-shaped column of air extending downward from the base of a thunderstorm, but not touching the ground. When it reaches the ground it is called a tornado.













Fig. 40

It is not fully understood about how exactly tornadoes form, grow and die.

Tornado researchers are still trying to solve the tornado puzzle, but for every piece that seems to fit they often uncover new pieces that need to be studied.





v  Have a disaster plan.

v  Make sure everyone knows where to go in case a tornado threatens.

v  Prepare a kit with emergency food for your home.

v  Have enough food and water for at least 3 days.



v  Go to a basement. If you do not have a basement, go to an interior room without windows on the lowest floor such as a bathroom or closet. If you can, get under a sturdy piece of furniture, like a table.

v  If you live in a mobile home get out. They offer little protection against tornadoes.

v  Get out of automobiles. Do not try to outrun a tornado in your car, leave it immediately.

v  If you’re outside, go to a ditch or low lying area and lie flat in it.

v  Stay away from fallen power lines and stay out of damaged areas.


If you’re at public place during a tornado crouch down on your knees and protect your head with your arms.


v  Stay indoors until it is safe to come out. Watch out for downed electricity wires.

The nature of this phenomena is electric current. To get this electricity, a cloud is needed. When the earth is hot, it heats the air above it. This warm air rises. As the air rises, water vapours get cooler and forms clouds. As the air continues to rise, the cloud grows larger.

In addition to the concentration of water vapour, condensation nuclei are the other needed element which form clouds. Around these nuclei, water vapour thickens, condenses, and water droplets are formed. The conversion of water vapour into water droplets, their growth and in general the further development of clouds depends on the physical properties of condensation cores and their quantity.

At sub-freezing temperatures, water vapour turns to ice. At this point the cloud darkens, we observe forming of storm clouds. Many small pieces of ice collide with each other as they move around in the cloud. All these collisions lead to the accumulation of electric charge. Finally, the whole cloud is electrically charged (Fig. 41). Positively charged particles stack at the top of the cloud and negatively charged particles sink to the bottom of the cloud.

When the positive and negative charges increase enough, a huge spark of lightning appears between the two charges in the cloud.

Most known phenomena is formed when the negative charge grows inside a thunderstorm's base, positive charge begins pooling within the Earth's surface below. When the positive charge from the ground

connects with the negative charge from the clouds, lightning occurs.

The flash is a sudden, short, temporary burst of light.

Fig. 41

When a lightning bolt travels cloud-to-ground it opens up a little hole in the air, a channel. Once then light is gone the air collapses back in and creates a sound wave – the thunder.



Sometimes lightning can strike where it is not raining, or even before rain reaches the ground.



Lightning is a powerful electrical discharge. The average longevity is about 1500 meters. The speed at which lightning can reach the ground is 200,000 kmph.

The temperature in the channel reaches about almost 30,000 degree Celsius (6 times the surface temperature of the Sun!).





There are three primary types of lightning:


v  Cloud-to-Ground (most known type)


v  Cloud-to-Air


v  Cloud-to-Cloud




Signs of upcoming nearby Cloud-to-Ground lightning:


v  A rapidly growing in height cumulonimbus cloud - they're the beginning stage of a developing thunderstorm.

v  Increasing winds.


v  Darkening sky.


v  Observe audible thunders.


v  If thunder is heard immediately after the flash it means that the storm is exactly above us.




Staying under bus shelters and rafters


Ridin a motorcycle or a bicycle                          Standing in an open field or near water












Crowding in the opened fields                                               Crossing rivers



Ø  Turn off cell phones!

Ø  Do not take cell phones out of your pocket!

Ø  Do not touch electrical appliances!

Ø  Do not stand under an open umbrella;

Ø  If you have a backpack, take it off, there are often metal objects on it.









What is the difference between an asteroid, a meteor and a meteorite?

ASTEROIDS (Fig. 42) are rocky space objects smaller than planets. The terms planetoids or small planets are also used for them. They are thought to be remnants of the protoplanetary disk from which the planets in the solar system were formed. Millions of asteroids orbit the Sun, about 750,000 of them in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Some have their own satellites.


METEORITE (or ‘meteor body’, Fig. 43) is a relatively small solid that moves in interplanetary space. It becomes a meteor if it enters the Earth's atmosphere. When the meteor is larger, visible in daylight (and, according to some definitions, makes a sound) - the fireball obtained by the explosion.


COMETS (Fig. 44) are the result of the collision of large meteorites with asteroids, accompanied by an explosion. Numerous pieces of different sizes and speeds are detached from the asteroid, some of which can approach the Sun. The gases it emits during combustion form the comet's huge tail, on which it and the swarm of small debris form the head. A bright comet of considerable size consists of core, chapter and a tail. Sometimes the comet has two or several tails forming a fan.











Fig. 44.











Fig. 45.

METEOR (Fig. 45) is an asteroid or other object that burns when it enters the Earth's atmosphere. They call them "shooting stars". If a meteor does not burn completely in the atmosphere, that part of it that hits the surface is called a meteorite

– iron or stone.



No danger (White zone)

The probability of a collision is zero. It also applies to small objects such as meteorites and bodies that burn in the atmosphere, as well as rare meteor showers that rarely cause damage.

Normal (Green zone)

A routine observation that predicts passage close to the ground, which does not create an unusual level of danger. Current calculations show that the chance of a collision is extremely small without cause for public attention or concern. New telescopic observations are very likely to lead to a redefinition at level 0.






Increased danger


A discovery that can become routine with advanced searches for an object that passes not very close to Earth. As long as it deserves the attention of astronomers, there is no cause for public attention or concern, as the real collision is very unlikely. New telescopic observations are very likely to lead to a redefinition at level 0.

A close encounter worthy of attention on the part of the astronomers. Current calculations give a chance of a collision with a 1% or greater probability of local destruction. Most likely, the new telescopic observations will most likely lead to a redefinition at level 0.


A close encounter worthy of attention on the part of the astronomers. Current calculations give a chance of a collision with a 1% or greater probability of local destruction. Most likely, the new telescopic observations will most likely lead to a redefinition at level 0. The attention of the public and civil servants is decisive if the possible collision is within a decade.





Threat (Orange zone)

A close meeting that poses a serious but still uncertain threat to regional devastation. Critical attention is needed on the part of astronomers to determine definitively whether a collision will occur. If the collision is within a decade, government emergency planning may be justified.

A close meeting that poses a serious but still uncertain threat to regional devastation. Critical attention is needed on the part of astronomers to determine definitively whether a collision will occur. If the collision is within a decade, government emergency planning may be justified.

A very close encounter with a large object that, if this century happens, poses an unprecedented but still uncertain threat of global catastrophe. For such a threat in this century, international contingency planning is justified, especially to determine urgently and convincingly whether a collision will occur.




The collision is certain and capable of causing localized destruction. Such events occur on average every 50 years and once every few thousand years.

The collision is certain and could cause an unprecedented regional catastrophe for ground impact or the threat of a major tsunami from its impact on the ocean. Such events occur on average once every 10,000 years and once every 100,000 years.

The collision is certain, it could cause a global climate catastrophe that could threaten the future of civilization, whether it affects land or the ocean. Such events occur on average once every 10,000 years or more.


In its movement, our planet constantly meets countless small dark bodies – meteor bodies, some weighing less than a gram. They enter the atmosphere at high speeds and as a result of their interactions with air molecules, at a certain height in the atmosphere, luminous traces can be observed. Commonly people call this phenomenon a ‘shooting star’ or ‘falling star’.

The relationship between the diameter of the meteorite, its power and damage caused, as well as the period of time in which the specified devastating event may occur:

Diameter              Power                   Years                                Consequences and fatalities


< 50
< 10
Most decompose in the upper atmosphere and do not
reach the surface on the ground
Iron meteors make a crater, stone meteors burn like the
Tong meteorite. They can destroy small area.
5 000
As the above, but can destroy big area.
1000 – 10000
15 000
An area of a small country can be destroyed.
10000 – 100000
63 000
Destruction of vast areas and big waves tsunami.
1 700
100 000 – 1 000 000
250 000
Destroys a big territory like France.

Precautionary measures
The consequences of a collision with a large meteorite can be modeled. Also the duration and scale of the disaster are subject of prediction. According to Michael Payne model’s simulation, in the next 10,000 years, space meteorites could kill 13 million people and possibly cause wars, famine and chaos. Hardly anyone can offer effective measures to prevent such catastrophic events. Several options are globally agreed on how to deal with threats of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs).


Ø  Nuclear attack - there is a danger that thousands of debris will bombard the Earth and space will be saturated with debris that will destroy many of the satellites.

Ø  "Kinetic interceptor" of NASA, which will deflect the invading asteroid. The idea is just to push the asteroid off course.

Ø  Change in the reflectivity of the asteroid by painting it white and reading it the solar wind to change its trajectory.

Ø  Laser sublimation. Heating part of a meteorite to change its weight by evaporation and thus change its orbit.

Different methods, some strange, but eager to fight the real danger of meteorite bombing.



A relatively common phenomenon is the snow avalanche (Fig. 46)60 in many mountainous areas. Its size can range from a small shifting of loose snow (called sluffing) to the displacement of enormous slabs of snow61.



The wide variety of origin, nature of motion, and size reflects the highly changeable nature of snow avalanches.


Their fundamental classification is based on conditions prevailing at the point of origin, or the release zone.



Fig. 46


There are two BASIC TYPES:



Surface layer
Whole snow cover




61 Avalanches 2020




Very numerous, most dry loose snow avalanches are small and few achieve sufficient size to cause damage. With the advent of spring,

melting, wet loose snow avalanches also are common. Most of the latter, too, are small, but they are more likely to develop occasional destructive size, especially when confined to gulley.


The mechanical conditions leading to slab avalanche formation found in a wide variety of snow types, both new and old, dry and wet62.



62 LaChapelle 2012

Slab avalanches are often dangerous and unpredictable in behaviour.

Providing most of the winter avalanche hazard, they are the primary object of avalanche defence and control measures.






Disaster Assessment and Classification Methodologies and Scales


Fig. 47


The European Avalanche Danger Scale (Fig. 47)63 is a five-level, ordinarily ascending, categorical scale. The scale consists of classes, which – even if they expressed with the numbers 1-5– may not simply be processed mathematically.


Example: The danger level 3-Considerable is not simply higher by one than danger level 2- Moderate, because the avalanche danger probably increases disproportionately. In other words, danger level 3-Considerable is not one level higher than 2-Moderate, but probably twice as high. The danger levels must not be added either.




The characteristics of avalanche dangers defined for each level are the parameters:








Changes or combinations of these three input variables determine the avalanche danger 5-level matrix (Fig. 48). 64:



Most avalanches of dangerous size originate on slope angles between 30 degrees and 45 degrees. They seldom occur below 30 degrees and hardly ever below 25 degrees. Above 45 degrees to 50 degrees’ sluffs and small avalanches are common, but snow seldom accumulates to sufficient depths to generate large slides.



Avalanches are often dislodged by external triggers.

An overload of new snow may dislodge an existing slab. Falling cornices or chunks of snow from trees are common natural triggers. Artificial triggers in the form of mechanical disturbance may be intentionally introduced for control purposes.

Unintentional triggers are a major cause of accidents; most skiers who fall victim to an avalanche trigger the slide, which traps them.





64 Avalanche Danger Scale 2020







is a fundamental method of avalanche control. It deflects the sliding snow away from fixed facilities. Deflecting structures are snowsheds used to protect railways and highways. These must be strong enough to support the dynamic load of sliding snow; hence most modern snowsheds are built of reinforced concrete.




This control does not give a high degree of protection as the Terrain Modification but is much cheaper. Commonly is used to reduce hazards to mobile entities, such as skiers or road traffic. The technique is an artificial release, which brings down avalanches at a chosen safe time.





A snow modification technique applying mechanical intervention to break up soft slab formation and induce stabilization through age hardening. Skier traffic is the commonest, while deliberate snow packing by foot is sometimes used. Depth hoar can be stabilized only by intensive foot packing. Thus oversnow vehicles, can seldom be used.

Before venturing into snowy wilderness, take the extra time to prepare for the conditions, by checking forecasts and acquiring safety gear.

Before a trip, the experts recommend some essential gear items for mountains snow travel:


ü  An avalanche probe for locating a partner in the snow

ü  Shovel for digging out

ü  Transceiver that can transmit and receive signals when buried under snow

ü  An avalanche airbag





If possible, a device GPS to accelerate rescue if coordinates are provided

What to do if you are caught in an avalanche

Ø  Remain calm!

Ø  Deploy your airbag, it helps you stay on top of the slide.

Ø  Get off the snow slab, aim 45 degrees down the slope and move across the flow.

Ø  Grab trees or branches to pull you out of the slide.

Ø  Try to keep your head above the surface.

Ø  If stuck, create an air pocket around your face by clearing snow. Rescue

Ø  Try to track the ones caught in a slide to narrow the search and rescue area;

Ø  Call the emergency, if possible.

Ø  Evaluate the avalanche hazard before attempting a rescue.

Ø  Use avalanche transceiver to get incoming signals from the trapped member.

Ø  Use the avalanche probe at a 90-degree angle to the slope to locate the buried.

Ø  When digging do not stand on the snowpack over the buried.

Ø  Mind that time is critical! Chance of survival drops steeply after 18 minutes.



Ultimately, do respect the nature of mountains!




Temperatures that in one climate zone are considered as normal can be called ‘extreme’ in other zone if they are outside its normal pattern.




Both are considered extreme phenomena that can turn a natural disaster. Extreme weather waves cause catastrophic agricultural failures, hyperthermia, and widespread power outages.






The damages caused by other natural disasters are mostly results from external physical forces such as flooding and collapse. The extreme

weather affects predominantly human daily routines and damages occur not only due to the phenomena itself, but by the health status of individuals, residential and working conditions, even local policy. It cause serious public health and economic problems including worker absenteeism and productivity losses, burdening of health care services due to hospitalisation, and in the worst case, deaths


From the perspective of natural phenomena, extreme weather occur more slowly and over a wider period than others as typhoons, earthquakes, avalanches, fire.







also known as heat stroke, becomes commonplace during periods of sustained high temperature and humidity. Older adults, very young children, and those who are sick or overweight are at a higher risk for heat-related illness. The chronically ill and elderly are often taking prescription medications that interfere with the body's ability to dissipate heat.




presents as a transient swelling of the hands, feet, and ankles and is generally secondary to increased aldosterone secretion, which enhances water retention. When combined with peripheral vasodilation and venous stasis, the excess fluid accumulates in the dependent areas of the extremities.




aka ‘prickly heat’, is a maculopapular rash accompanied by acute inflammation and blocked sweat ducts. If this continues for a duration of time it can lead to the development of chronic dermatitis or a secondary bacterial infection.


occurs when the body loses heat faster than it can be produced. Prolonged exposure to cold will eventually use up the body’s stored energy. The body temperature that is too low affects the brain, making the victim unable to think clearly or move well. Hypothermia is most likely at very cold temperatures, but it can occur even at cool temperatures (above 0° C) if a person becomes chilled from rain, sweat, or submersion in cold water.


is an injury to the body that is caused by freezing. It most often affects the nose, ears, cheeks, chin, fingers, or toes. Frostbite can permanently damage the body, and severe cases can lead to amputation. The risk of frostbite is increased in people with reduced blood circulation and among people who are not dressed properly for extremely cold temperatures


Both low temperature and low humidity may independently or jointly contribute to the risk of influenza A and B virus infections.


is believed to result from intense sweating, which leads to dehydration, followed by peripheral vasodilation and reduced venous blood return.


At very low temperatures, blood vessels will constrict and this can cause spasms



is considered by experts to be the forerunner of heat stroke (hyperthermia). Symptoms may include diarrhea, headache, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, tachycardia, malaise, and myalgia.


Dry air can suck the moisture out of human body


The number-one thing you can do as protection against the extreme weather is to plan ahead and prepare long before it hits. The type and extent of preparation depends on your location and the types of extreme weather that occur there.


Recommended protective actions to prevent illness or death:

v Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as you can.

v Do not rely on a fan as your main cooling device during an extreme heat event.

v Don’t use the stove or oven to cook—it will make you and your house hotter.

v Limit your outdoor activity, especially midday when the sun is hottest.

v Pace your activity. Start activities slow and gradually.

v Drink more water than usual and don’t wait until you’re thirsty to drink more.

Muscle cramping may be an early sign of heat-related illness.

v Wear loose, lightweight, light-colored clothing.

v Schedule workouts and practices earlier or later in the day when the temperature is cooler.

v Take cool showers or baths to cool down.

v Never leave children or pets in cars.

v Check the local news for health and safety updates.



Extreme cold weather preparedness:

v  A general emergency kit or disaster preparedness, but with a few specific items that may not generally be included.

v  Prepare your home for winter.


v  Prepare your car for winter. You can avoid many dangerous winter travel problems by planning ahead. Have maintenance service on your vehicle as often as the manufacturer recommends. In addition, every fall

v  Pay attention to your body.


Mind outdoor winter activities safety