The Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commonly known as the Russian Armed Forces, are the combined military forces of Russia. They comprise the world's fifth-largest military in terms of active-duty personnel, with at least 2 million reserve personnel. Their branches consist of the Ground Forces, Navy, and Aerospace Forces, as well as three independent arms of service: the Strategic Rocket Forces, Airborne Forces, and Special Operations Forces. Under the federal law of Russia, the Russian Armed Forces, alongside the Border Guard of the Federal Security Service (FSB), the National Guard, the Ministry of Internal Affairs (MVD), the Federal Protective Service (FSO), the Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU), and the Ministry of Emergency Situations (EMERCOM) form Russia's defence services; they are under the direct control of the Security Council of Russia.
The Russian Armed Forces possess the largest stockpile of nuclear weapons in the world, surpassing the arsenal of the United States. They operate the second-largest fleet of ballistic missile submarines, and are one of only three militaries (alongside China and the United States) that operate strategic bombers. Russia maintains a powerful aerial and naval force. In 2021, Russia had the fifth-highest military expenditure in the world at US$65.9 billion. Russian law mandates one-year drafting for all male citizens aged 18–27. However, deficiencies have been noted in combat performance, both on the tactical and the operational scales, during the Invasion of Ukraine in 2022, with different parts of the military struggling to work together.