The organisation of the army is fixed by Chapter 2 of Title II of Book II of the Third Part of the Code of Defense, notably resulting in the codification of Decree 2000-559 of 21 June 2000.[33]
In terms of Article R.3222-3 of the Code of Defence,[34] the Army comprises:
· The Army Chief of Staff (Chef d'état-major de l'armée de Terre (CEMAT)).
· The army staff (l'état-major de l'armée de Terre or EMAT), which gives general direction and management of all the components;
· The Army Inspectorate (l'inspection de l'armée de Terre);
· The Army Human Resources Directorate (la direction des ressources humaines de l'armée de Terre or DRHAT);
· The forces;
· A territorial organisation (seven regions, see below)
· The services;
· The personnel training and military higher training organisms.
The French Army was reorganized in 2016. The new organisation consists of two combined divisions (carrying the heritage of 1st Armored and 3rd Armored divisions) and given three combat brigades to supervise each. There is also the Franco-German Brigade. The 4th Airmobile Brigade was reformed to direct the three combat helicopter regiments. There are also several division-level (niveau divisionnaire) specialized commands including Intelligence, Information and communication systems, Maintenance, Logistics, Special Forces, Army Light Aviation, Foreign Legion, National Territory, Training.