A pulse radar is a radar that emits short and strong pulses and receives echo signals during the transmission pause. Unlike continuous wave radar, the transmitter is already off before the end of the measurement process. This radar method is characterized by pulse modulation with very short transmission pulses (usually with a transmission pulse duration of τ ≈ 0.1… 1 µs). There are very long typing intervals between transmission pulses Τ >> τ (usually Τ ≈ 1 ms), called reception time.
The distance of reflecting objects is determined by the measurement of the determined flight time (in the case of a fixed radar) or determined by a comparison of the changes characteristic of the Doppler spectrum of an interval with the values for a given interval stored in a database (in the case of a radar). on a moving platform). Pulse radars are usually designed for long distances and transmit with relatively high pulse power.